MKE Week 2 – I AM beginning a NEW LIFE!

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Category:  Week Two


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For a long time, I gave felt stuck and could not figure out why I was not moving forward in life.

I was remembering the past and how when I started my career everything had a flow. I had time, money, and what ever it was needed for what I choose to do. I spent more time with Family and Friends.

In the last 18 years or so, I have worked 12+ hours a day and couldn’t find extra time to cook, clean, shop, go out with Family or Friends. I did on special occasions, but not enough. These 18 years flew by and it is Time to begin a New Life.

I am reading each day as prescribed and finding the connection to the meaning of the words and my life. After just 2 weeks I already see a difference in myself and the choices I am making daily. I actually took time off of work and went out with friends to a dinner which I had the opportunity to meet Chef Tyler Florence. The meal was amazing and DELICIOUS! I savored every bite and enjoyed spending a beautiful evening in the City with dear friends.

I was so excited that I met the Chef and was at this Gorgeous restaurant that I wanted to shout it out loud!!! I felt for the first time what it felt to be in ENTHUSIASM!!! So much better than just being there.

I am getting some glimpse pictures in my mind of the person I want to be and I feel joy and enthusiasm just thing about it!!!

I also have been getting excited to waking up , reading, and seeing what the day brings. I have seen things flourish this week and I am definitely excited to this experience!

Today I begin a New Life!

I always keep my Promise! Monika Greczek

Meet Monika Greczek

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  • So excited for you!!! How wonderful that you are already getting a glimpse of the person you intend to be. AND you made a CHOICE to spend some valuable time with friends. BRAVO!

  • Wonderful discovery, Monika. Keep it up and you are going to know the new and improved you.

  • Terrific week 2 summary! Love the enthusiasm that shines through as you experience these changes. And you met Chef Tyler Florence – so cool!

  • Thank you for sharing your amazing experiences with us Monika! And there is so much more to come on your journey to your true self!

  • Amazing Monika, you can already see changes in yourself. It’s great that you are experiencing enthusiasm in a new way

  • Miss Monika, thank you for allowing us to take the ride with you through the blogging. I can’t wait for you to grow even more.

  • What incredible changes are happening for you, Monika. It’s just magical! Thank you so much for sharing a peek behind the curtain. I can just hear the cement falling away!

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