Week TwoLearn to go far beyond simple thinking...

We are continuing to learn how to raise our awareness to the achievement of possibilities we didn't previously know existed.

Join us for an adventure in discovering your future self, clarify what you want your life to be - and plan the action to achieve it.

Reflections on Week Two 

Going beyond simple thinking, we harness the "powers, uses, and possibilities” of a mind thinking clearly with moral insight.

In harmony with the Infinite creative power of the Universal Mind and the thought energy of the LAW OF ATTRACTION, we bring about what we “consciously, systematically, and constructively” think about.

shirley koritnik

mke certified guide


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Two things happened today 10/01/2023, that have everything to do with MKE. First I have chores that I want to get done before the snow flies and most before Monday. I got 2 hours of sleep when I woke up at

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Awesome! Week two in MKMMA has been so inspiring for me. I am all in for the 26 weeks for 4th time. I just finished a very tough mental and physical challenge called 75 Hard.. and it was Hard on the

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I am called. I am chosen. I am needed. I know these things to be true. They are among the 2 thousand thoughts pinging my conscious mind daily. However, through the MKE class I am rapidly learning that I have yet

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Week two’s session literally just finished and boy are we getting more into some ‘meat and potatoes’ of things. I’m overwhelmed, and excited at the same time. The homework section seems like a lot, however I know I just need to

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I don’t think I’ve ever ben so engaged with a “development programme” as I was last night. And I speak as someone who has been on many programmes. I even stayed for the Mastermind segment at the end-and I’m usually sound

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Today, I finally got a distinction as to my internal battle. My Red — the Shark — drives me to continue pursuing my need for Liberty. But my Yellow — the Dolphin — is the one that has me fantasizing about

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MKE Week 2 – Be Childlike Don’t underestimate children, because “At that time the disciples approached Jesus and said, “Who is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven?” He called a child over, placed it in their midst, and said, “Amen,

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Week 2. My goal is to focus! Get the readings completed! I’m still working on my schedule to get all the readings in but so far so good. My favorite quote for chapter 2 is, “…mind is creative, and will automatically

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Well….for my chore promise, I chose to clean out my craft closet. I figured I had it pretty much under control, so it wouldn’t be a big deal to complete it quickly. WRONG!!! Once I got in there, it was WAAAAAY

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I’m a creative wife, mother of 5 and an entrepreneur after 20+ years as a retail pharmacist. It brings me joy to connect with people, share my gratitude and my passion about how wonderful life is! I’m happiest when I am

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I’m feeling the abundance in my life increasing.

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They say there are no shortcuts to success. AND… there are no shortcuts in making a new habit stick either. This week was full of many obstacles for me (too many to count!) and I felt like I had to fight

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