This week finds me a little different than the several last to pass… or maybe it’s more indifferent? I guess that I’m not certain on which it is or if it’s possibly even both. That doesn’t mean that I’m confused by any means, just that things are in a place that is both foreign and domestic to me. Maybe it’s a place in the middle, right in the middle between happiness and bliss? Or what if it’s simply a combination of both or even something more than the combination of the aforementioned?
As most of you know, I’m generally not one with a lack of words or the likes. Nor am I ever really in a place that has mystery inside of its reality. Yet that may be the moments most present as I continue to find much of my future me in my present me’s time.
As we adventure into a new way of being, using things that were once a preventer of progress as a tool for progression, we’ve been asked to consider how we would go about that. Maybe that seems a bit out there, yet it has begun to seem as if there’s an infinite possibility of doing such a thing.
My stall, if you will, is figuring out which of those things actually effect me. I’m certain they do and maybe I’m just not recognizing that part.
Maybe there’s fear of the unknown, it’s certainly not anger, but likely has guilt… guilt of possibly not giving more when I certainly could have? Maybe that’s one of them…
Am I worthy enough, damn right I am! Did I believe that before August of 2022, yes I did. However, there had been a few decades that the worthiness part of me was indeed an issue, it plagued my progression here in my time in the flesh! But were discovering as of the present that even a hindrance of that sort can become a tool for one’s progression. The puzzle pieces are beginning to align on their own.
That’s all until the week next to arrive.
DAMN right we worthy of everything in our DMP!
lol, the things you attract Loren is interesting.
As I read this particular passage, Andrew, “As most of you know, I’m generally not one with a lack of words or the likes. Nor am I ever really in a place that has mystery inside of its reality. Yet that may be the moments most present as I continue to find much of my future me in my present me’s time.” I was watching an act on “America’s Got Talent,” and it was about guess what? Time travel! 🙂