MKE Week 20 – How not What

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Category:  Week Twenty


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Sometimes when the world gives you something, you actually need that thing and it is less about what you choose than what you are given.

Other times it is important to choose the thing you want. I am there now. Trying my best to figure out what I want to do. All the conflicting draws on my energy and attention are easily put into perspective.

What will I do next? Will I have the resources to do it? Will I fail? What are the alternatives? Will I regret it later on?

I find my mind gets carried away and when I have thought about something obsessively for a long time I find myself being much more likely to find a way to achieve it, even if I am not 100% sure it is the right thing to do.

I can also see that no choice is the wrong choice as long as I am choosing how to live that choice. I could choose something wrong but live it in the right way and that would be better than choosing the right thing and living it in the wrong way. Ultimately how you live is more important than what you live.

Meet Aschel Gregory

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  • Be careful to settle for the good, only to miss out on the great! Follow what you know to be right, deep inside, Aschel! You’ve got this!

  • Moving forward in spite of your fears, Aschel, is the first step towards actually using them! 🙂

  • You’re onto it Aschel!
    Living in right relationship to something/one with humour and tolerance is a great way to live.
    Your DMP can help with your purpose, re-visit it and take your thoughts into your ‘sit’, let the answers come to you.

  • Insightful blog Aschel. Bravo on being the Objective Observer of your own thoughts. Thanks for sharing with us.

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