MKE Week 20 – Delicate Balance

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Category:  Week Twenty


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Life is a delicate balance. Of time. Of energy. Of focus. If we live by the compass and not by the clock, things that are unimportant start to lose focus while the things that are most important start to surface to the top.

Og talks about this balance between family and work in many of the scrolls. Separate the two to leave time for both but put great effort during the phase of the day that you are in.

There is also a clear balance in how much we think and in how much we act! If we spend adequate time thinking in our conscious mind then we allow for sufficient uncovering of the subconscious mind to work toward the ideal in our material world.

If we direct our thinking to whom we intend to become then the compass keeps us on our path. To keep us on this path or to think of it as being pulled to magnetic north we must spend a significant time in our creative mind which will direct our thinking to the ideal. If we stay in our passive mind then we are confirmed only by appearances and follow the river of dreams.

I will end these thoughts with a quote from Victor Frankl:

“Happiness is like a butterfly. The more you try to catch it, the more it flies away. If you focus on other things it will come and sit on your shoulder.”

Meet Heather Pasqualini

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  • Excellent insights, Heather. I love that Victor Frankl quote, thanks for sharing!

  • Hi Heather! Victor was definitely victorious in his ability to control the mind in any circumstance! 🙂

  • I’ve noticed that when I’m trying hard to remember something, if I attend to other things, my subconscious will rummage through the memory files in my mind and bring me the answer!

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