This was a transition week within the reading of the Scrolls from The Greatest Salesman. This is an exercise that I absolutely love because it involves a change to what is natural and by implementing this simple change you realize a very noticeable difference in how you think and how you feel. This simple exercise can make all the difference in the world.
As you read through the scrolls the word ‘will’ is written throughout. I will persist, I will win, I will try…..
Using the word ‘will’ means there is intention on doing something, however it does not guarantee that it gets done. It also insinuates that it is something that gets done in the future or at a later date. This is what can cause people to stay stuck as it may become the old adage, I’ll do it tomorrow or when I have time.
If you are unfamiliar with the book, there are 10 scrolls in the book. The exercise includes reading each scroll for 30 days or one month at a time. You would read Scroll 1 for 30 days THEN you move on to Scroll 2 for 30 days and so on. The exercise takes us through the first half of the month reading the scrolls as they are written. Then the second half we are directed to eliminate the word ‘will’ wherever it is written, so instead of ‘I will persist’, you would read, ‘I persist’. There is the option to cross the word out or simply skip over it. I personally like to skip over it as this forces me mentally to do the work as well as keep my focus on what I am reading, as I do have the ability to wander my thoughts when reading from time to time.
The shift in these readings take you from making the statement that you are going to do, to becoming a statement that you are currently doing. This eliminates the belief of something done in the future to something that is done in the present. Your mindset goes from the person I am going to be into the person I am.
This slight shift in your words and your thoughts, although it seems small, creates a BIG change in how you perceive yourself. I encourage you to give this a try in whatever you are reading where you see the word will. Read the statement as is, and then read it again without the word ‘will’ and let me know how that works for you.
I will persist and I will win as opposed to, I persist, and I win. When you say I will persist, the subconscious hears this but may wonder when will that happen? When will you do the thing you say you are going to do? Now when you say I persist, that implies that it is done now, and this is who you are. This puts your subconscious in an understanding of this is who I am, and this is what I do. It hears this and it becomes. It is such a powerful tool to use to not only help you move forward in becoming who you want to be, but also in creating your awareness to how you speak as well as being present in the moment more often than not. Being present is where we all should strive to be, because we only have the here and now.
“The person I am.” Thank you.