MKE Week 3 – When the Pen Meets the Paper

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Category:  Week Three


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Writing a book, have you ever entertained the idea? Two years ago, I began thinking about writing a book, it is one goal I have not been able to get off my mind. I was not sure if I even had a topic that would be of value to other women and men.

As time has gone on, the theme of the book is in my heart, and I can visualize in my mind. Six years ago, I was introduced to a young woman; and we became fast friends. Last month she had a pre-launch of her new book in my area; and I am so glad I was able to attend. I learned that she is not only an author, but a publisher. This past week I scheduled a consultation with to her discuss how we could work together writing my book, the investment and time commitment. Being a part of a mastermind alliance is the catalyst to have the courage to schedule a meeting with my publisher and discuss the outline of publishing my book. I look forward to inviting all of you the pre-launch of my book in 2023. I have given myself permission to express my creativity with the world. Today I celebrate sharing my story with the world. While I made the decision, all of you I am meeting along the journey, are part of the pen hitting the paper.

Meet Lynn Laporte

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  • I too assist many on their book(s), the graphic(s), social media, printing etc. Look forward to hearing more and reading the book as well.

  • Wonderful what happens when we open up! Thank you for sharing this wonderful real life story!

  • That’s wonderful Lynn! Lucky all of us that can follow you on your life adventure as a writer. I’m for sure going to enjoy it a lot. Congrats!

  • And of course I will attend the prelaunch of your book! Congrats on the proactive steps on publishing your masterpiece! Love ya!

  • Awesome news, Lynn! There have been many published authors in the MKE over the years, and I happily add your name to the list!

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