MKE WEEK 3 – Letting Go of EGO is a Step in My Journey

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Category:  Week Three


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Letting go of that EGO is a step in my journey, I am controlling.

We are on a journey together, to whom I am referring are other MKE members who are also blogging.

That EGO that tells you that you need to let others know that you already knew that, or that you feel the need to correct someone.

It’s all EGOS, let it go.

For instance, I use to let others know something about me for the way I was.

I was told by a few people that it was keeping me back.

My reply was no it’s something I deal with daily and wanted to let you know why I act the way I do.

Once again it was pointed out to me that it is not needed.

It took me 6 years to finally realize what I was being told.

By me thinking, or saying something it was going to be showing up all my life and it wouldn’t change until I let it go.

It doesn’t matter if others know, it matters what I know and what I need to do to correct this.

No one else needed to know.

Wow, when I learned this lesson it was like I was floating in the clouds instead of drowning in self-pity and remorse.

That EGO is a hard one to let go of, but it is possible.

Meet Wanda Robinsoin

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  • Amazing and something all can relate to! As I was reading this, my ego was telling me “oh my friend Marina corrects people and is so competitive” etc …. know that saying “if you spot it you got it” ?? oopsies haha!!! This helped me with my self awareness.

  • I believe in you Wanda & am holding in my thoughts your DMP unfolding for you 🙂

  • Wanda!, How liberating it is to realize you do not need to explain! You remind me that letting go of the need for approval and following your bliss is so important when it does not harm and is of service. thank you xoxo

  • Everything is possible you just have to believe and help it to manifest. Thank you, JJ for commenting.

  • Wanda, Acknowledging the EGO… one step forward on your journey. More to come. “That EGO is a hard one to let go of, but it is possible.” a very powerful statement for your blog. Hope others follow you in LETTING GO.

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