I think it was kind of interesting that this week in the Master Key text we are encouraged to handle fear and at the same time the commercial holiday marketing machine is geared up to sell fear for Halloween entertainment. The fear we are dealing with though is “Fear itself” as JFK said (I’m wondering if he knew Hannel or the Master Key). This fear is nebulous and can hide deep in the recesses of consciousness but if we go deeper to source and remain we may yet conquer it.
As I was working with this I realized that I had a fear of making decisions which stemmed back to an incident in childhood where I made a poor choice by throwing a rock at a kid, I don’t remember if he provoked me or not but I didn’t feel good afterwards. This moment seems to be one of the places my fear has hidden itself in my consciousness because it causes me to not want to make decisions, “what if I make the wrong one”, “you can’t unthrow a rock”.
So now I’m working on deciding and seeing where it leads after careful consideration of course. I’m learning to trust myself and my ability to influence my subconscious to create the necessary conditions to manifest my desired creation. I am more aware when fear enters my consciousness and I am on guard for wherever it may show up.
Fear can’t exist where there is faith, and faith is required to manifest reality.
I am choosing faith and seeing where that goes. I am deciding to have faith in the reality I want to experience. I am deciding to commit to seeing what I want through to its fulfillment. There is something about getting closer to the knowledge of who you really are that transmutes fear into faith. Then you realize that this moment right now was tailored for you and it feels great.
Love this blog, Kenan. Thanks for sharing your thoughts. Keep up the faith and fear is decimated by it.
Think about that rock as the cement others have thrown at you, Kenan. Use it in a positive way. Follow your bliss with total faith and crack it off.
Great blog Kenan, thank you for sharing. You are becoming a wise observer. Keep doing that, take your time, have faith, and see where those decisions take you.
Kenan, I love what you wrote about fear especially at this time of year. “There is something about getting closer to the knowledge of who you really are that transmutes fear into faith. Then you realize that this moment right now was tailored for you and it feels great.” Well thought; well done! Cheering you on!
Kenan, you got this, keeping guard. See you at the top.