I’ve been slacking off this week. I’m in Santa Barbara for the week at my mom’s house, and my sister and niece are in town from Seattle. At home in LA I usually wake up early and do my MKE stuff before my day starts.
It’s been more challenging here because I’ve been sleeping in and my mom and sister are already downstairs chatting with their coffee’s. Also I haven’t been doing the NARC thing.
I’ve captured some “in the moment” time, it’s so beautiful here and it’s very easy to appreciate nature, and being a “part of the whole”. However, my mom and sister have been getting on my last nerve and I’m trying to keep a positive attitude. I’ll be happier when all this holiday shit is over.
This morning I recommitted to MKE exercises. I am whole, perfect, strong, powerful ,loving, harmonious and happy!!!! I’m grateful for all the blessings in my life and I’m finding that things that used to bother me a lot don’t have the same power over me and that’s huge. Happy Holidays!
Laura, This is amazing girl! Family is the real test, they know the old us, and seem to pull on the old blueprint more than we do in stressed times. You ARE whole, perfect, strong, powerful ,loving, harmonious and happy!!!! <3
Congrats on recommitting to yourself! Be the observer of all around you and enjoy the holidays!
Hi Laura, It’s great you recognized the thoughts you were having and made the correction with the MKE lesson. That’s a big accomplishment..Celebrate the win.
Laura, there’s definitely a good shift going on! 🙂
Great Job Laura on gaining more fuse!!! I have noticed the same and it fills me with a great sense of accomplishment, glad to know it does for you too!!!!! Keep Enjoying the beauty of Nature 🙂
Way to be the Observer Laura. Glad to hear you have recommitted to the MKE exercises = practicing how to focus our thoughts and give energy only to what we want. Cheering you on!