MKE Week 13 -“Be” it to Achieve It

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Category:  Week Thirteen


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I really appreciated this week and how some things came together here. Pondering how we are all connected and a part of a whole and a divine creation has fascinated me.

In Line 16 of Master Key we read: ‘Thought will bring about conditions in correspondence with the predominant mental attitude. Therefore, if we fear disaster, as fear is a powerful form of thought, disaster will be the certain result of our thinking. It is this form of thought which frequently sweeps away the result oof many years of toil and effort”

I can think of so many practical examples of this being true both in the example of fear and in the belief of what is possible. I offer one example of my children while they were growing up. They would engage in tricycle riding down a rocky driveway that we lived on. I was aware of the possible dangers and yet, the idea in line 16 because of my schooling in Early Childhood education. So, rather than instill fear, or even look on in fear, I simply (and with great effort LOL) trusted them to be successful and learn to navigate the driveway with grace and skill. By shifting my attention on what I believed was possible for them, I will say that they never had an accident on that driveway. This could be considered a miracle. Or, is it law?

Both I and my children knew what we wanted, and so, in line 18 we read in the same part 13: “ What, then, is the proper method of procedure? What are we to think in order to secure what we really desire? What you and I desire, what we all desire, what everyone is seeking, is Happiness and Harmony. If we can be truly happy we shall have everything the world can give. If we are happy ourselves we can make others happy.”

What I am hearing here is that in order to have what we want, we must ‘be’ it and faithfully give it to others. Happiness and other such things is not actually the destination, it is actually the vehicle to where we want to be. So if we want peace, we must come into peace within ourselves and share it, same with joy, happiness. In part, the end of line 22 of part 13, makes this understanding clear when it states: …”we will get exactly what we give, but we shall have to give it first. It will then return to us many fold, and the giving is simply a mental process, because thoughts are causes and conditions are effects; therefore in giving thoughts oof courage, inspiration, health or help of any kind we are setting causes in motion which will bring about their effects”

We truly are all one and the more of us who can begin to embrace this, explore this, the sooner we can see new paths to corresponding and resolving and communication and paving the path to a more peaceful planet. In order to see this, however, we must first wake up to ‘being ‘it and then giving it away.

Meet Laura Greco

I love being in nature, spending time with children, (my granddaughter), and family and friends. I love deep and meaningful conversations that up level life experience. I am the founder of Full Life Wellness LLC and The Resilient Mama Movement. As a mom of 4 (and more) I am keenly aware of the importance of the parenting experience. My passion is to inspire and empower moms, so that she can mentor her children and, the future of our planet, from her overflow in ‘response' to life and stand in here resilience.

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  • The Law of Substitution may be of value here as well, Laura. We can choose whatever emotion we want to any event or action. Why not choose happiness? And, yes. We are all one! 🙂 Great blog #13! 🙂

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