MKE Week 10 – Welcome to the new you beginning to emerge

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Category:  Week Ten


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This week was an informal week, yet we all may have advanced in ways we never saw coming…

It was noticeable this week. Not that we hadn’t seen it before, but this week it seemed almost contagious. This week we saw so many of us become more willing to put ourselves out there for the betterment of ALL! Maybe we all have a little struggle or little concern and it may seem as if it’s individualized to you, but once we vocalize it…once we vocalize it, once we vocalize that thing once thought to be only effecting ourselves, it becomes apparent that it is indeed much bigger than just ourselves! So no matter how big or how small it may be or seem, we bring it out in the open and create that mastermind amongst all of us and BAM, progression comes in ways we never imagined possible!

Welcome to the beginning of the unique and amazing person you and I were destined to become!

Imagine for a moment where we were only 3 months ago and how much cement we’ve all been able to crack and break free of thus far!

Meet Andrew Timm

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  • thanks for the reminder that MM is oh so powerful when we engage with it & gosh – only 3 months ago !! what an adventure – #NothingLikeIt 🙂

  • Yes, I second to “looking forward to sharing what your thinking when commencement comes”, Michael!

  • That is the power of the master minding for sure! Isn’t it amazing to witness these changes in us?

  • Yes, Andrew, at the end of the day, the mm offers the kind of support to make it we can count on! 🙂

  • I think you have clearly said what many of us are feeling. Thanks for confirming that growth comes when we share our thoughts and feelings.

    Looking forward to sharing what your thinking when commencement comes.

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