We are in week 10 and it is so interesting as I watch what has been transpiring.
I will share with you, the reader, very vulnerably, that life has truly been upside down for sometime now with health matters concerning my husband. This feels so topsy-turvy and it is interesting to be in this master mind while going through this personal experience.
The reason I am sharing this more personal information is because I have noticed that, this week, I have not been showing up in the different mastermind dialogs and marco-polo, and even the added classes this week, as I would like. (i am so grateful for the recordings on this so i can get them in).
The reason is mostly because I am very stretched this week with many responsibilities, work, hospital and doctor appointments, surgery days, etc., or, at least that is what my story is. I feel a deep sense of responsibility to share this openly and also to share what is happening for me, and what the gold really is.
I am humbly grateful for the mastermind and this course. I have the gift of the readings, the sits, the visualizations, the movie trailer and the cards and the recordings, not to mention the shapes. I am so grateful for the mantras that I have been developing. I love that, through the more challenging parts of life, I can still offer love to all whom I meet, that I can still give a gift to each person that I engage with.
The good news is that I am still growing, still! I am still observing. I am noticing what happens to me in the squeeze of life, and this too, is valuable. I also offer myself some grace as i see that this is an unusual time in life and temporary. And, I also see that it is exactly these times that I need to dig in the most. I keep remembering to love, to persevere.
It is in the power of love that I keep going, it is the power of perseverance that keeps me going… and it is the reminder that I always keep my promises, sometimes not quite on time, but, nonetheless, I do keep my promises.
Thank you for reading. I hope that if there is something here that speaks to you that you embrace it fully knowing that we are cleaving to the new while leaving the old addictions. I am so grateful for each of you.
Great post and thank you for sharing your vulnerabilities. Becoming aware of the small things that you can still offer is sometimes the greatest gift.
Thank you, Laura, for sharing your vulnerability and at the same time perseverance in doing your very best, the power of love is the most extraordinary power. Yes, you can do it!
Thanks for being so transparent! I am learning that the main person I have pause and quietly say I love to is myself, because I noticed that I could be my worst critic. Keep going!
Yes, Laura, some grace during this period of transition until as one of our bloggers describes doing each task, similar to those you’ve noted, as effortless ease. The need for lists vanishes in this new fun-filled realm where only “do it now.” persists, no matter which task should arrive as a spontaneous surprise. Happy knack? See if you can find it! 🙂
Hi Laura, as Og Mandino states, in Scroll 1, you have in your possession, the principles to endure, keep using them wisely.
You’ve been facing big challenges and your discipline of love and perseverance shines through Laura.
If you can be all of that in those times, you can be what you will to be at any time!
Hi Laura, You are appreciated. I feel so much love for you for persisting through this difficult time with your husband. And you are noticing what happens to you during this squeeze in life. You are a champion of your life. Thank you for sharing openly.