Just two weeks ago I had gone cold-turkey on video games, TV, and scrolling social media. I did the exercises I had been putting off, got closer with my guitar, spent more time nourishing myself, and got caught up on work. I was so productive that I was BORED! I accomplished all of the things I had been putting off and began looking for new things to fill my extra time!
That’s when I allowed myself to reintroduce a TV show, and then another, and then video games, and some light social media scrolling. Slowly I got back to the old “manageable” level of behind-ness that I had been used to.
I have caught myself here, cut back on those distractions again, but need to cut them out completely again so I can get used to being caught up, full of time, energy, and commitment to the things I really want to do.
Which means that I get to find MORE positive things to fill my time with so that I do not get bored again! Specifically work trainings when I am eating, guitar, reading, and gentle stretching when I am tired, and working toward licensure when I have energy.
I think having someone to hold me accountable to these goals would be helpful as I first was able to relinquish these activities after speaking with my guide Peaches.
I also restarted watching TV after speaking with someone I admire about a show they were watching. Clearly, I am influenced by those around me so I want to surround myself with people who support my sacrifices.
I will give up TV shows, scrolling social media and video games because they take time away from focusing on my own personal purpose.
Awakening to your strategies and actions is enlightening!
It’s good that you are noticing the triggers and are weighing the cost of time choices, Aschel.
Thanks for your honesty; love that you are so aware of the subtle changes from distraction. You inspired me.
I agree with everything Jen just pointed out, Aschel. Even sacrifice sometimes needs to be disciplined! 🙂
Congrats Aschel!! on being the Objective Observer of your behavior/actions. That awareness gives you the power to make adjustments as you see fit. Time to celebrate!!
P.S. Consider utilizing a reward system for yourself….after you finish your designated tasks etc, reward yourself with a specific amount of time for video games/social media scrolling etc…..giving your self directed muscles practice =)