MKE Week 6 – Progress, I think

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Category:  Week Six


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Week 6 of the MKE, and I think I am making some progress. For weeks now, I have been repeating “Do it now!” to myself many times each day. (For those of you NOT in the MKE, this is actually an assignment, and not simply further evidence that my mind is shot.) I think this expression has actually taken root in my brain.

For several weeks, I have been avoiding an uncomfortable meeting. I needed to tell a business associate, and longtime family friend, that I would be ending the business relationship. That person had not done anything wrong. It was simply a business decision based on my changing needs, but I knew that the move would be viewed as a personal affront, and I did not want to hurt this person.

So for weeks a found excuses to avoid the discomfort.

Two days ago, after repeating “Do it now!” 25 times to myself, (out loud and with ENTHUSIASM), I told my wife I had an errand to run, got in the car and drove to my associate’s office. We sat down, and I explained that I was making a move. While the conversation went largely as I expected, and I could see my friend took the move personally, when I left the office, I felt like an anvil had been lifted from my shoulders. I took a step that I knew I needed to take, but that I dreaded taking, and once it was in the rear-view mirror I felt a tremendous sense of relief.

I have no idea how much longer I would have procrastinated without the daily reminder that I just needed to do it now, but given my track record, I suspect that it would have been many months. Perhaps there is something to this stuff!

I will take this as a sign of progress.

Meet Dirk Leverant

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  • You awareness around it and being able to acknowledge your growth is fantastic ! Great share.

  • Dirk, I can relate. I avoid confrontation at all costs; especially when family and friends are involved. Big win and yes, there is a lot of power in the “Do it now!” as in everything else we are infusing our minds with.

  • I too find chanting the words “Do it now!” motivating. Congrats on doing that difficult task. I find that the time spent avoiding a task is usually more disturbing to myself, my mind and physiologically to my body in terms of stress …. than just doing it and getting it over with (even though I still don’t complete my dreaded daily calls each and every day). I guess that’s all part of exchanging one habit with another as per GS and the reason we’re all here to help each other. Congratulations again and remember how great that sense of relief felt so next time you’ll Do that dreaded task even quicker. 🙂

  • sounds like you are making enormous progress Dirk !!
    All that energy doing the ‘avoid-dance’ is now free to focus on your ideal life, your inner compass, direction, purpose, aka your DMP.
    how liberating ! enjoy your MKE week 🙂

  • HI Dirk…yes, these conversations that you are describing are something I can relate to as well. Congratulations on making the move, taking the action which creates space for something new an amazing. Grateful for your share.

  • Procrastination is almost always a problem, Dirk, so setting your friend straight right away was a good thing; even if because of it, he now thinks you are a jerk. LOL Thanks for being one of the first to get your week 6 published! 🙂

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