MKE Week 6 – KMC – It’s Time!

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Category:  Week Six


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Time. It can fly, it can slow down, it can be our greatest asset, or our worst enemy. The main thing is, it never stops and our time on this earth is limited. Too often we take it for granted, not really realizing that once it’s gone, there is no getting it back.

Since the beginning of this MKE journey, I’ve had things in my life that constricted my time so I was “forced” to prepare when to do the things I needed to do, for the week. However, it’s amazing what doesn’t get accomplished when there is no intention behind what you are doing. I was able to recently clear off my plate from a lot of those time-consuming events and found myself (since I started) with the most available time to do things during the week.

Well, what’s unfortunate is that not only did I not get as much done as I had hoped to, but I found myself falling short on the things that I actually did do. Too often finding myself kicking the can down the road because I had plenty of time to get it done, until I didn’t.

We often make the mistake of thinking that we have plenty of time but the reality is, none of us know when our time will be up. So it’s a reminder to make the days count to work and play with intention. Do the things you need to do today because we aren’t ever promised tomorrow.

I was also reminded at service to think about what it is that I’m doing to make an impact in this world, to help others and the legacy that I intend to leave behind. It spoke to me in a way I had never experienced before, to be better, to focus, to do the work, to make a difference that I was put here to make!

Because if not now, when?

……it’s time.

Meet Dan Horvath

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  • ” was able to recently clear off my plate from a lot of those time” thank you for sharing Dan.

  • It is time Dan. Thank you for doing the work and making the difference you were were put here to make!

  • I hear the noble cry in your voice, Dan, the inspirational tones of someone no longer satisfied by less when he has so much more, not a moment to lose, I’m gonna let that out now, right now, I’m gonna soar! 🙂

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