MKE Week 6 – Flat tire 5
Your flat tire 5. Have you ever heard this phrase? It refers to the 5 people in your life that you can call, with no hesitation, if you find yourself with a flat tire at 3am in the middle of nowhere and no way to get home. One of these 5 will come and help you… no matter what.
Since a very young age I have been told that it is important to help others with no expectations of anything in return. I was also told that I need to figure out how to do whatever needs to be done and do it, without asking for help. I have lived this way for many years and when I think about my flat tire 5, I cannot even get to 3. I have 4 brothers and 3 sisters which, by definition of family, should make it easier to build that list. I ask myself ‘Why can’t I get to 5 people?’, I’ve helped a lot of others over the years, I should be able to think of more people that would help me.
When I sit back and really think about the concept of giving and receiving, I realized that I was being selfish. It didn’t matter what the task was, I was able to give of myself to others and it felt good. I was not allowing anyone to help me, I wasn’t allowing them to give… to me. I wasn’t allowing them to feel the same satisfaction that comes from helping that I was taking. It was a one-sided relationship, no matter how long or short the encounter.
As we are learning in the MKE system, our whole being is connected. What we accept into our conscious mind about ourselves, will eventually radiate to the universe thru us. I was being unlovable, and who wants to be around that type of personality? With exception to my daughters, I have not heard the words ‘I love you’ sent in my direction for many, many years. I do not even remember sending them to myself. When reading the poem by Dale Wimbrow, followed by an “I love you” to myself, I found I wasn’t able to look myself in the eyes and say those words. I truly felt unlovable. I do not say this for any type of pity, but more for my own realization that things need to change and to drive home the fact that I need to radiate how I want others to see me. Connecting the exercise from Og, silently saying ‘I love you’ to all we meet, and the exercise of reading the poem and saying I love you to myself, while looking in the mirror, I am finding a way to believe that I can give and receive without any feelings of greed, guilt or obligations attached. Who doesn’t want to be around someone that is surrounded with love? Now, that’s a far better feeling than I can ever get from helping someone fix their tire at 3 in the morning.
Thanks for sharing this, Robert. Very thought-provoking.
Great blog Robert. Thanks for sharing.
I enjoyed reading your blog out loud and sure can related to us from this generations. Thank you for writing it ever so well. Keep up all your blogging.
Thank you, Robert. I love your post and your insight. Reading your words I can feel the ground below moving like a gentle earthquake. I’d love to see how your family will react and respond to what you are experiencing. How exciting! Congratulations! ❤️❤️❤️
What a great post Robert. It is definitely easier to give then to receive. But you are now aware and so many great things will come your way with this knowledge. I am sure your 5 will soon turn into so many more.
You are learning some great lessons, Robert. Great blog! 🙂
Thank you, Robert, “I was able to give of myself to others and it felt good.”
Robert – this is an amazing post. I need to think about my flat tire 5. And I need to work on “I love you” in the mirror. Let me be the first to say, “I love you, Robert – and I appreciate all you efforts with the MKE this year!