MKE Week 6 – a smile can change the world

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Category:  Week Six


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I am not sure when this really clicked in my life. When you give from your heart without expectation of anything in return, what comes back is priceless beyond measure.

It can be as simple as a smile. Smiling at a stranger in the grocery store is something I go out of my way to do every time I shop.

Have you ever noticed there are many sad looking people shopping ? You never know their story or the miles that they have walked, however a smile can change the energy in the room.

Can you imagine if everyone walked around smiling from the inside out ? Smile when you can, you never know when your heart may need a random smile in return.

Meet Lynn Laporte

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  • You sure made me smile with your blog post Lynn! You are spot on! A smile can make the day for another person. I do the same, I smile to people I meet in the shop, in the subway and other random meetings with strangers. Sometimes I get a smile back and sometimes I can see just in their eyes that they react with joy. Maybe one day we have a world with smiling people! Give more, get more!

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