MKE Week 17 – Show Up

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Category:  Week Seventeen


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The journey within is the silent voice, the subtle tug, the burning desire to not give up and to keep showing up. Show up for yourself first, you are your biggest fan, biggest cheerleader and biggest love.

I have come to learn that everyday when I rise, I get the choice to show up for myself, show up and continue to mind my mind. Show up, shine from within and let your beautiful light illuminate the path to your best life. Life is now, enjoy every moment! Show up for yourself! You deserve it.

Meet Lynn Laporte

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  • Inspiring blog post Lynn! “Show up for yourself! You deserve it.” I was talking with a friend today about the words we use when we are talking to ourselves and how important is it to use words that lift us up because words are powerful and affect us more than we believe. We truly deserve to be the best version of ourselves and “to shine from within and let our beautiful light illuminate the path to our best life”. That is just wonderful!

  • Great post, Lynn – I have a picture on my movie poster – Wake Up, Kick A*#, Be Kind, Repeat, That’s a great motivator for me to keep going every day!

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