MKE Week 17 – Makeover, Imagination, and Moving Closer To Who I Am

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Category:  Week Seventeen


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Last week’s Franklin makeover on Kindness was pretty impressive. Lots of interaction, ideas and examples given in the mastermind group, and some were really raising the bar of generosity. Like Drew Timm, giving away a vehicle and freezer, and outrageously big after-meal tips. Makes me wish that we were all on the same makeover timeline every week so we could similarly gain the synergy on all of them.

This week’s makeover focus is on Imagination. That I can use a boost, as I no longer have the habit of imagining like when I was a child. Now it seems to take much effort, and feels like work.

My gratitude and nice moment “kicker” cards now consume an entire card file box. (Seems to now almost be getting to the point of overkill.) I depleted my original supply of index cards, and had to buy more. Using two stacks, alternating. I believe they’re doing their job, as they bring lots of positive things to my remembrance each time I use them.

I began this week to add additional 16 minutes of time along with my sits. I wanted to focus on praying and concentrating on aspects of who I am becoming for my aspects of my DMP. I created some additional cards with “I Am” identities to use, and have been fleshing out more details of how each looks, with some brief mission, vision, intention, traits and qualities to imagine and visualize.

I had my first adverse reaction to Haanel this week, in regards to his Bible commentary in the introduction. I have been trying to keep an open mind about the material, but I don’t see the purpose for what seemed to me to be an axe grinding assessment in that passage. (What does that say about my “intellectual status?”)

Meet Mike Sambuco

Passionate worshipper of God, loving husband to Terri, father to Stephanie, and grandfather to Justice. Music minister, entrepreneur, network marketer, guitarist, motorcyclist, amateur radio DXer, martial artist, photographer, telecom technician; previously career Air Force Master Sergeant (Comm and Intel.) Originally from Ohio, now is one of the “frozen chosen” of Alaska since 1987. A fun-loving encourager, enjoys empowering others!

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  • Discernment is key to be a self-directed thinker Mike. Bravo for engaging that.
    ‘I am’. So powerful alongside your other disciplines you are practising.
    Expect miracles …

  • Find your answers through your heart. As you play your music, it comes from deep within. Your journey is your own. Enjoy!

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