Reading the posts from this year’s MKE community once again prompted me to revisit the post I had originally penned way back in 2016 for week seventeen. And once again I realized how much I treasure the value of continuing to stay connected with this community as a lifetime member.
It’s an ongoing spark that elevates my thoughts…
So I thought I’d share my post from the past with you to see if it resonates with the adventure you have embarked upon this year. Comment below.
Realization of a Worthy Ideal
The MKMM Alliance has vowed to introduce the secret behind the “force” to those who answer the call to embark on the Hero’s Journey to create a life of purpose and follow their heart. Think it sounds like pie in the sky?
Think again… it’s not!
Many thousands have trekked with the Master Key Master Mind Alliance. Worthy ideal don’t ya think to keep the adventure going?
My experience so far – and this class is in week 18 of 26 – has been one of awe and wonderment as we plunged into the deep end of the wisdom pool and began to follow in the footsteps of undisputed masters in the
field of self-discovery.
These include Charles Haanel, Wallace Wattles, Napoleon Hill, Og Mandino, Joseph Campbell, and the course’s full throttle leader Mark J , his fabulous admin team and all the trusted guides who support us with
one-on-one coaching.
The Master Key Experience is not the usual wussified course planned to please everyone. It’s a challenging journey for 6 months to reveal our true self and intended to help us build self-confidence, uncover our true purpose and answer the call to embark on our own Hero’s Journey.
Gotta admit… it’s not for the faint of heart tho’…

My experience has been emotionally exhausting at times but always enlightening. Hard mental work at times but always rewarding at the
end of the day.
Worth the work, without a doubt.
The Guy in the Glass told me I needed to take a break and lighten up a little. I always listen to his sage advice. So this post is my way of lightening up and in doing so it may shine some light your way too.
Become a Legend in your own Mind
Fellow Alliance Adventurers: If you have answered the call and are preparing to embark on your Hero’s Journey to BE-come who you were intended to BE… become a legend in your own mind ‘cuz it all starts there. Imagine that!
Remember – When you enter the Abyss raise your shield high. Slay each dragon as soon as it appears and battle on with courage – avoiding the curse of conformity. Fear not the death of your old self for it allows for the birth of your future true self.
If I want to be free, I’ve gotta be me. Not the me I think you think I should be. Not the me I think my wife thinks I should I be. Not the me I think my kids think I should be me. But if I want to be free, I’ve gotta be. So I’d better know who me is.
Bill Gove – The Father of Professional Speaking
Be brave. Battling fear, doubt and worry is hard work! Persistence rules! Let go of the limiting beliefs holding you back. And when your horse dies… dismount! Throw your leg over a wild mustang, ride like the wind and enjoy every present moment as if there’s no tomorrow. Find the elixir and success is yours.
Above all else – if you fall prey to the monkey trap, remember the wise words of a true Jedi, Mark J. (Paraphrased) To let go of your past you have to take your hand off your banana, have the balls to think outside the bottle, and build a stealth strategy to follow your heart.
Give yourself permission to be happy! Answer the call. Unfold to become a legend in your own mind.
See what you think about this teaser for next week’s post I created for you.
Turn up your speaker volume and hit the play button to enjoy this short
(1 minute) video. I think you’ll recognize the theme…
Leverage your strength with the power of the Mastermind Alliance – and become a force within yourself. Let your light shine in servitude to others and be true to yourself.
Make it a great week in your galaxy!
’til next time…
– Dennis
Thank you Janet! I always enjoy a few smiles along the way.
Definitely fun:)
Loved it Dennis! Thank you.
Thanks, Dennis!
Nancy, you continue to brighten each day for all of us. Thank you for your guidance along this journey called life.
Thanks, Loren! Dr. Seuss was one smart lad eh?
Thank you, Arlene! Glad you enjoyed the video – at the time it seemed like fun way express my ‘yellow’ motivation.
Amazing as usual Dennis! Wisdom + Humor = a great post! Thanks so much – – love it!
As Dr Seuss says, Dennis, “There’s no one in the Universe more youer than you (or something like that LOL)!” 🙂
Thank you, Day… It is indeed a special class and an important time in our lives to be part this beautiful community.
Fabulous Dennis – the force is strong with this one! I love the little video, thanks for sharing!
This post is just sheer fun, Dennis. Thanks for sharing it and for reminders about how very special this class is!