MKE Week 17HJ – Recommitment

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Category:  Week Seventeen HJ


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Today I recommit to the Hero’s Journey and I am grateful for the call once again.

During our lesson this week, I took time to reflect, as no doubt many others in our class did, of the commitments of the Hero’s Journey I had made without understanding or clarity what that meant or even that it is a thing.

It all started for me, when I was just a teenager. I still remember standing before the pile of laundry I was folding as I gazed out the window with questions.

Mainly, I was asking the question, “Isn’t there a better way”? This was prompted from the turbulent childhood home I was living in, the turbulent racial riots and Vietnam war and other violence I was a witness to on the TV news.

So, this became my path. Finding the Better Way to be in the world, raise my children, relate with others, move through challenging relationships with myself and others. Always committing to sorting it all out.

What I can see now is that every step of the way I was recommitting to and learning through all that was in front of me, teaching me, putting before me the lessons that would eventually teach me who I was in the world and finally who I could return to being…who I am.

So I once again, recommit and give myself permission to be happy. Ah ha, so wisdom at last. I get to make the difference I am commissioned to become, or rather, perhaps better said is, to return to what I have been commissioned to be.

For, I and also you, the reader, am whole, perfect, strong, powerful, Loving, harmonious and yes, Happy.

As I finish this musing, I feel grateful for this journey and all that my various teachers and mentors as well as MKE has helped me face.

I move through with courage and love in all parts of my life, even when it was messy, and, no doubt will be messy at times again (but it is in the mess that creation is possible).

I am grateful to reflect on this, that when I work on myself and become all that is me in each moment, I am also filling up my own cup which allows me to gift others with what I fill myself with and it becomes perpetual. This is truly a gift and it feels so good.

Meet Laura Greco

I love being in nature, spending time with children, (my granddaughter), and family and friends. I love deep and meaningful conversations that up level life experience. I am the founder of Full Life Wellness LLC and The Resilient Mama Movement. As a mom of 4 (and more) I am keenly aware of the importance of the parenting experience. My passion is to inspire and empower moms, so that she can mentor her children and, the future of our planet, from her overflow in ‘response' to life and stand in here resilience.

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  • Hi Laura, Your journey of commitment is inspiring. You’re serving us with your words of courage and love. It’s a blessing to get to know you through your blogs.

  • Heartfelt share Laura. Appreciate your reflections and cheering you on as you recommit to your special Hero’s Journey.

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