It’s not that I haven’t seen enough proof that the MKE works, but this week was the icing on the cake. During one on my sits, with the concept of abundance front and center, I was inspired to find more connections and clients. All along the abundance of potential clients and partners was right in front of me, just 1 click away. I knew that I had a gold mine of people, just not sure on how to work my list.
It was at that moment when I got an invite to connect with a competitor, not looking to recruit but just to connect with like minded people. I would have normally not accept a request like this in the past, but my new and improved self said “yes,” and opened my eyes to the potential of my network. Then a referral came to me from a friend and a potential business partner approached and wanted to connect. I think it is quite ironic that these 2 new connections were always there, I just did not see them.
It goes to prove that when you put your intentions out in the universe, the way will come clear. You just have to be a good observer of life. This observation of life is a skill that I have been working on, but have made it a priority to learn, if I want to achieve all my DMP goals.
Your skill of observing has greatly improved over these last few months Michael. You will become very successful with this skill.
Great observations on your journey Michael! Thank you for sharing!
The way is clear, Michael, and you’re makin’ it clear for all of us! 🙂
Focus on your intentions and visualization of what you want. The observer notices but is separate from its creation. I loved the icing on the cake and then thought its just more cement! Thank you.
So cool that you now see what was always there!