Week Seventeen HJ: How to become the hero in your
own story...

We are continuing to learn how to raise our awareness to the achievement of possibilities we didn't previously know existed.

Join us for an adventure in discovering your future self, clarify what you want your life to be - and plan the action to achieve it.

Reflections on Week Seventeen HJ

We all go through cycles of change in our lives. Make your next cycle Heroic!

Only by taking that first step into the unknown can we learn what we are capable of, what we are called to be and do.

There is greatness in everyone. You are Nature’s Greatest Miracle. When you answer the call, you find your purpose, your dharma. People are desperate for heroes. Be the Hero. Take that first step in faith, Do It Now! 

'We must let go of the life we have planned, so as to accept the one that is waiting for us...'  -  Joseph Campbell 

Arlene laskey

mke certified guide


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