It’s fitting that we are beginning the 7-Day Mental Diet today. I’ve been beginning my days with love in my heart. And it’s perfect that we had our Session 7 (Lucky 7; 7-Day Mental Diet, etc.) today because a few things
Week Seven: The key to 'creating' is yours to claim!
We are continuing to learn how to raise our awareness to the achievement of possibilities we didn't previously know existed.
Join us for an adventure in discovering your future self, clarify what you want your life to be - and plan the action to achieve it.
Reflections on Week Seven
What a stark awakening! Such a beautiful and overwhelming truth to recognize – I am powerful beyond measure. An amazing sense of strength wells up deep inside me just repeating this statement.
Yes, I CAN be the master of my own life. Yes, I CAN lead myself where I want to go. Yes, I CAN (and DO) cause the effects in my life. Charles Haanel's Part Seven opens this in a magical, simplistic way.
Simple, but not always easy. I must do the hard “mental” labor
for this to work and I will!
Day boswell
mke certified guide
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