The culture and conditioning that we live in, would have us think that we are victims of our existence.
For example, as a mom, the dominate thinking is often, that if my child would just cooperate, do the things laid out for them, that I would not have to yell, or react in such a manner. That I would not become so overwhelmed and anxious all the time.
We can easily buy into the idea that if I just fix my kid, or if someone could fix my kid, then I would be okay and be that parent I want to be.
Is that true?
It may feel that way, but my experience has taught me, is that there is another way of seeing this.
I love the Master Keys by Haanel, because here it is cleared up in a beautiful way. If you, the reader would like to clear this up for yourself, then please do, read on.
I could never accept that I was a victim to the conditions I was living in, and yet, as a product of our culture, I unavoidably did just that in ways I was not even aware of.
So let me share the good news.
We do not have to remain in a victim frame of mind. When we look around us and especially in parenting (to carry on with the example), we discover that our children as well as others are mirroring back to us what will, if we take on the challenge, make us far better and more connected to ourselves, which has the capacity to change our experience of family an life.
In part 1 of the Master Keys, Haanel points out in line 20,
#20 When this mind thinks correctly, when it understands the truth, when the thoughts sent through the cerebra-spinal nervous system to the body are constructive, these sensations are pleasant, harmonious.
Harmony is exactly what brings the experience we want. But the question is, how to get into such state.
That is where the work is. And it is achievable.
The place to start is found in lines 2-6.
#2 Mind is creative and conditions, environments and all experiences in life are the result of our habitual and predominate mental attitude.
#3 The attitude of mind necessarily depends upon what we think. Therefore, the secret of all power, all achievement and all possession depends upon our method of thinking.
# 4 This is true because we must “be” before we can ‘do’, and we can ‘do’ only to the extent which we ‘are,’ and what we ‘are’ depends upon what we ‘think’.
#5 We cannot express powers that we do not possess. The only way by which we may secure possession of power is to become conscious of power, and we can never become conscious of power until we learn that power is from within.
#6 There is a world within – a world of thought and feeling and power; of light and life and beauty and, although invisible, it’s forces are mighty.
Do you see that our mind is creative, that understanding and awareness must take place, that there it’s accessible too be the vibrancy of who we are and release the struggle.
How is this achieved? Through awareness, attitude and ultimately habit. Transforming our habits is a key access to transforming our experience with ourselves and our children and leads to more harmony and joy.
Knowing this has gotten me through lots of, what could have been, struggles. As a result of new habits and attitudes, one begins to rewrite what we see which transforms what we see and changes the world we live in.
Everyone in the world needs to read your blog – marvelous!
Thank you for sharing. I love the statement, “one begins to rewrite what we see which transforms what we see and changes the world we live in.”
Great blog, Laura!! Awareness is definitely key!
Yes, Mike 2nd time with a gap of 9 years. I am so ready for more and I am already noticing where I am going deeper and it is also fun to see what I have gained that has just been habit from the time before. xoxo
Thank you…great to be back. xoxo
I wish I did too, as I was raising my 4 daughters. I have shed a lot of cement over the years, but non so well done then in MKE xoxo
Thank you Monica…xoxo
Awesome, and yes, thank you xoxo
Awesome..I will be looking for it xoxo
xoxo Thank you
powerful post. Love how you are digging in real good to the MKS
Hi Laura, sounds like you’ve already been through this before! Going to peel off more layers of the onion?
Great comment Wanda mahalo for sharing!
Mahalo for this great week 1 blog it’s great – my fav “How is this achieved? Through awareness, attitude and ultimately habit.” beautiful and simple
Fabulous blog Laura! You have drawn some important insights from Haanel. Thank you for sharing ❤️
I enjoyed reading your blog, Laura. This gave me a good idea for a blog, thank you for sharing.
Hi Laura, Love that you recognize “Transforming our habits is a key access to transforming our experience”.
No victims here! Just thinkers of great thoughts. Terrific blog, Laura. So glad you’re in our community!
Thank you Laura. Harmony is where the work is and it is achievable.
Great blog Laura! Thank you for sharing your reflections on Haneel. And I love your example with being a mum understanding that children are mirroring us.
Great post, Laura! I wish I would have had the MKE when I was raising my boys, but I have it now – and what a difference it makes in all areas of life!
Great realisations here Laura, great blog.
Welcome back, Laura. Love this blog. Thanks for sharing your thoughts.
Thank you 🙂 Great to hear back.
Thank you for the warm welcome xoxo
An excellent way to express your experience in the first week of the Masterkey!
Welcome back, Laura! What a way to restart your journey! Kudos to you and love your blog.