MKE Week 1 – The Adventure Begins

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Category:  Week One


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“The purpose of life, after all, is to live, to taste experience to the utmost, to reach out eagerly and without fear for a newer and richer experience.” ~ Eleanor Roosevelt
As we embark on this new adventure with Master Key Experience (MKE), I am struggling to find my Definite Major Purpose (DMP). I have a written DMP but is it truly what gets me to jump out of bed in the morning? The DMP does express goals that I want to accomplish, but is it my purpose?
What is the difference between goals and a definite major purpose? I have come to understand that my purpose in life is to bring glory to God in everything I do. I have a passion to help others, relationally, financially, and spiritually. I have a desire to help others get free of their rut and accomplish their goals and dreams. I also have many dreams and goals of my own that I want to accomplish.
How do I turn this into a specific DMP, with specific dates and emotions and details?
What is my true north? What is the purpose of my life? What are my mission, vision, and goals for my life?
So many questions, so many doubts, and so many limiting beliefs.
This year has been an adventure and a challenge to get out of my comfort zone. I have been pushing myself to do things that I would have usually strayed away from.
That is why I am going on the journey that is the Master Key Experience. I need help and guidance to define a true DMP and force me further out of my comfort zone.
I don’t know where this adventure is going to lead. But, I know I will continue growing and developing myself and refining what I truly want out of my life.

Meet Scott Stillion

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  • Hey Scott, this is where we start with self-inquiry. Welcome to muddy waters that will clear. Go Go Go!

  • This is an inspiring post Scott, thanks for sharing and letting us get to know you. I know I have struggled with my DMP in the past as well and it continues to be a process of discovery that evolves. I am appreciative of how you articulated that.

  • Great blog Scott, with such honesty. Also great questions. You have truly started your amazing journey by asking yourself those questions. How can you find your purpose without asking yourself? You are on your way Scott!

  • Great insights and love those questions Scott. I had the same questions when I first found the MKE. From my personal experience, I know you are going to love what is in store for you in these upcoming weeks. Love your blog. Keep up the great work.

  • Scott, what great questions–exactly on the mark. Asking them, you have created a powerful map for your adventure. “Well begun is half done.” Congrats! 🙂

  • Welcome to the club, Scott. Struggling with that, too. Seems like one of the most important, but at the same time, most difficult assignments. Loved your picture choice, states it well.

  • Hi Scott, You are here for a reason and are open to what is ahead. Welcome to the journey.

  • Scott, that help and assistance you need has arrived! Thank you for sharing your thoughts. Your giant step forward has put you on a journey like no other. Welcome!

  • Welcome to the adventure! Your DMP will refine itself one step at a time. Enjoy the journey!

  • You have got this Scott! Thanks for being so open and honest in this blog. When stuck on whether or not the concepts of your DMP are “yours” or a result of the old Blue Print Builder/cement, ask yourself this question, “Is this particular concept oxygen for my soul — yes or no?” Whatever is the first response is right. (Remember those 40 billion cells?)

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