MKE Week 1 – Time to Launch

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Category:  Week One


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Time, how we value time is all relative, right? We all have only 24 hours in every day. In that regard, we are all equal. You could be the woman in a Waiea Penthouse with a 360-degree view of Oahu or the teenager in school feeling “stuck” as if high school will never end…. We all have only 24 hours.

Personally, I value my time. At this age in my life, I know how much time is worth. And you really cannot put a dollar value on it. The question becomes how I spend my hours to get the best return on my time. Where do I sow my energies to get the longest-lasting value? And since we are all eternal beings, I ask the question, where can I sow my time to get the biggest return on my life for generations to come?

You are probably asking, why am I addressing these questions to introduce this blog? (My first blog ever). I jumped into this MKE program because I was given a link to the introduction by a person I deeply respect. (Ginny Caroselli). Because she sent it to me, 2x…. to get my attention, (I am very busy); I decided to listen. Fast forward, I joined this program 2 weeks late. I was on an unplanned trip to Oahu when I realized that MKE was starting. So here I am in week 3 doing weeks 1 & 2’s work. Have I felt overwhelmed? Questioned what I get myself into? Even questions ahead of time, which of these assignments are necessary? Yes… to all those many questions. I am guilty of probably thousands of thoughts (doubts) that have floated through my mind as I am trying to figure out what I need to do each day to get caught up. Does anyone else have these kinds of thoughts?

With that said, what keeps me here is that I have hope, great expectations, and belief that all this effort will pay off in the long run. If I did not have that mindset, I wouldn’t even be doing this. Guess what I am trying to say is: I have FAITH that this is what I am supposed to be doing right now. I am right where I need to be and this is the next step on my journey. Am I doing everything perfectly? Hardly. Am I even doing all that I am supposed to? No, but I am trusting that I will and that this will get easier. What I am sure of is that my “subby” has been running my show for decades and I am tired of how it has been programmed. If I do not even try to get control of this ship, then I am responsible for where that ship will end up. I am excited about this upcoming voyage that is launching. Looking forward to using my minutes over these next 6 months to see where this adventure will take me.

Meet Terri Brewer

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  • Dear Terri, I too started late and had thoughts like yours. Yet there is a force that tells us to stay with it, catch up, “get control of the ship”… to guide our ship to our choice of ports. It is a journey, and we are navigating the vessel. Over smooth and rough seas, we’ll get to our destination.

  • It is hard to catch up, be proud of yourself for taking it on and DOING IT! You can do anything you set your MIND to do. Way to go Terri.

  • Terri,
    This is beautiful. I’m so glad that Ginny did share this with you, even if it was twice. She knew how valuable it was. You are doing an Incredible job really getting everything set out. Really Proud of the work already.

  • aloha Terri – congratulations on writing your first blog post ever !!!
    I’m really looking forward to reading about your adventure over these 6 months – you’re off to a great start 🙂 Enjoy a great MKE Week & what unfolds for you 🙂

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