I was so excited when I received access to the program. I thought, wow, this program will be great but then I got a reality check. How am I going to do all that is required to stay on track with the processes and all the homework?
After the webinar, I reviewed all the printed information and looked at how to amalgamate the information into a way that I stay on track and make sense to my brain. Of course, these are my steps but maybe this blog article will help you. And in case you were thinking it, yes, I am Red!
I took out a 3X5 index card and on the non-lined side and added two lines vertically which created three columns. In the left column on top, I wrote AM, second column PM and then on the last one I wrote evening. Under each header, I wrote what needed to be done in the day. For example, Scroll 1, DMP (out loud), etc. On the other side of the index card that has the lines, I wrote 15 minutes sitting still, etc. So, this way my quick reference guide on one card so I easily refer to.
The other thing I did is place The Greatest Salesman in the World on my nightstand and kept the other copy on my office desk. Then I went online and found a PDF version of the scrolls. Not the full book, just the scrolls. I printed three copies of the PDF so I can a copy in the car, a copy at work and another one in the package I carry with me. This way if I am in the car alone, and I don’t have the package with me, I can review scroll 1.
Last, but not least, while I am figuring things out, I carry the index card, the workbook, the Master Key part one and my handwritten blueprint builder with me. And everything is clipped together with a bull dog clip. The index card is clipped on the front of the package for easy reference. Oh yes, before I forget I use a file folder to place my pages in.
Suzette, I am impressed with your organizational skills, which has been my bane. This is helpful for all new students to know. And thanks for giving me a word to look up in the dictionary. Good work!
hooray indeed !
super impressive how organised you are – well done for your Week 1 MKE
Way to make the process easy for you Suzette. I love it. Keep up the great work and watch how fruitful you are.
Sounds like you have it well in hand. Go Suzette!
Wow, Suzette, you are already powerfully progressing forward with this journey. So organized and determined! Really appreciated reading your blog! Thank you!
Love your use of the word “amalgamate.” Great first post, Suzette! 🙂
I love your Blog, it sure describes me and defiantly assist so many people get organized! Thank you for “trusting the process” and being on top of it all!!!
Very helpful blog indeed!
As my grandmother always said, “Well begun is half done!” Bravo, Suzette!
Great blog! Look how creative and disciplined you became to accomplish your goals! Congrats!!
Thank you, Suzette, I needed some good ideas on how to get better organized. You just delivered them to me! 🙏👍😊
Hi Suzette, Well organized is the way to get off to a fast start. Good job getting your blog in on time.
Miss Suzette, you are well organized, successful and powerful. See you at the top.
Now that’s the kind of discipline that will get you what you want, Suzette. Welcome! Excited to hear what happens next for you!
Look at the progress you have made, Suzette, by thoughtfully planning your new healthy habits! Hooray!