MKE Week 1 – Serene September Scene – Take One

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Category:  Week One


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Happy Dog? This little gal sure looks like she’s having the time of her life! Or is she?

Could it be that she is running from the worst terror ever? That she has just escaped a terrible storm of wind and water and destruction?

Could it be that she running from the responsibility of life that, at her advanced age, is terrifying? That’s more like me, although having a hurricane come through my hometown is really terrifying as well. And not being there to find out the complete picture – even more disturbing.

Add to this September scene…1) Enjoying our RV, blissfully following our travel dream to work and play across the country. 2) working on a life changing opportunity to earn a trip with the company I love, 3) the commitment to my self that should I fail to earn this trip I will reevaluate my life mission, 4) and pursuing a life altering experience promised by learning the master keys to life!

A scamper across a wooded path, a gleam in her eyes…seeking the future for today or for the rest of my life…what will October bring? Take Two!

Meet Diane Chasick

As a compassionate connector, giving others a bigger perspective of life experiences feeds my soul. Personal development, positively influencing others with health education and coaching fulfills me. From our home on the Space coast, I love traveling with my husband of 35 years and our senior rescue dogs in our RV, working our way across the USA!

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  • Great blog Diane, I really enjoyed reading it.
    You are here now, with MKE, mapping your future and all of us to support you. Happy days!

  • Miss Diane, it will bring whatever you want it to bring you are in control. I enjoyed your blog.

  • Welcome Diane! What is behind is your teacher. Go forward and inward to find the golden you! Glad to be on this journey with you.

  • a scamper and a gleam in her eyes!
    looking forward to what October will bring for you Diane 🙂
    Welcome to your MKE adventure

  • I vote for happy. And what a beautiful scene you set, Diane. I feel like I’m right there with you. As your entire MKE community is throughout your journey. Welcome!!

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