MKE Week 1 – Confusion . . . Then, Clarity

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Category:  Week One


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At first I was confused with the information. It was overwhelming and it was scattered, all over the place and I could not understand a thing and I was lost. It did not stop me but I wanted to understand in detail because I find it is very crucial to build a solid foundation. So, I took few days off work and just got my head around it all.

I started to read everything and I wrote down step by step all I needed to have done daily, what I have to read daily 3 times and 2 times and 1 time. I have downloaded the audio to hear the MKE narrated to me as well. I have downloaded all the downloads and put them in the right sub folders and all to find them again in an organised file and called it ‘Week 1’.

Then magic happens, I finally understood it, after so many repetitions, I got all the strings in control of the workbooks, the reads we have to do daily, the blue print reads and the blogging, and what is DMP – it is what I am visioning in detail. SO, I started to kick off my vision and it was pleasant and relieving to write it down manually. This has truly aligned me in the right path and I am definitely enjoying the experience

This is truly a masterpiece of fine art!

Meet Josette Josette

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  • Miss Josette, it’s great that you did what you felt you needed to do to get your head wrapped on MKE, congratulations.

  • Congrats Josette on your persistance! “Then magic happens. I finally understood it….” it is a masterpiece of fine art as are you under all of the cement. looking forward to the reveal.

  • Way to go, Josette, on allowing the repetitions to create clarity! Keep up the good work.

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