I don’t know about anyone else, but this morning, as I began watching videos, downloading documents, printing, 3 hole punching and finally READING I was feeling more than a tad overwhelmed.
How on earth am I going to have time for this course, all the homework, doing my business and, oh yes, for family? Not to mention for the kittens I foster through our humane society and our own animals – 5 cats and a 10 month old Golden Retriever!
Then, I remembered a little meditation trick someone taught me many years ago about how to manage time, and I’m going to offer it to all of you, if you want to try it. No, it wasn’t a Stephen Covey Time Management thing.
This was on a whole other level – and you’ll see why I chose that word in a minute.
Here’s how the trick goes…
First, imagine two railroad tracks, complete with the side rails and ties (the horizontal slats between the rails). The one on the bottom is time as you’re now perceiving it. The one on top, however, is how you’d like time to be. For example, if I’m stuck in traffic and it appears that I’m going to be late for an appointment, well, that would be the bottom track. The track on top of it would be the time that would make me arrive on time.
Then, imagine a rainbow ribbon weaving through both tracks.
I chose rainbow not to make a political statement, but because it encompasses all the qualities of light as we perceive it on this planet. You could also add some bright light at the ends to cover parts of light we don’t usually perceive as mere mortals.
By threading both tracks of time with light, you can bring them into harmony and create the time you want. Pretty trippy!
Tip – if you’re feeling anxious, use whatever technique you use to release the anxiety before you start the visualization. You’ll find it works better that way.
Now, back to my story. So, as I was sitting in my 15 minutes (OMG, how am I ever gonna sit still for 15 minutes!), I used that time adjuster. And, guess what? At the end of my day, I accomplished everything I needed to do for my business, my animals and, most importantly, for my family.
If you try it, let me know how it works for you! Remember…..time is an illusion….
Have fun!
MJ Andersen
That was a good trick to use with time. I usually relax and give it to the Universe and God. It it is in his will I think on the task I need to do and don”t think about the negative outcome of whether or not I can perform or complete it. I think of the positive outcome. My true intent is to work towards this specific job. I think the thought of all I can do and give my best, and somehow the task is done the outcome is positive. The mind and your thoughts are very powerful. You can will into existence what you desire. Good Post.
I will remember the railroad track/time visualization. Glad you got everything done.
I’ll definitely try this meditation, thank you
Great job in submitting your first blog and also for getting the “Sit” done and everything else that you needed to do. Wow! Congratulations. That is one to celebrate.
Time sure is an illusion. Love your post!
Great post, MJ! Thank you for the visualization technique!
Love this, Mary! And congratulations… sounds like you accomplished everything you wanted to… and you started with the world within! Bravo.
Thank you MJ for your insightful blog!
So great to be a witness to your experience and congradulations on how your day turned out. So Good!
Mahalo for such a great share hope all our MKE peeps read this great blog
SO true Mike mahalo for sharing your wisdom and supporting your fellow MKE course members! 🙂
Mahalo Gregory for commenting on this epic and useful blog! Support your MKE partner!
Love your support and masterminding Wanda! Great job
You applied it and saw the result. Way to go, with your visualization and focus!
That’s interesting, Mary! I expect we view and perceive it all through our programming and mind viruses. Adding additional stress definitely doesn’t help us to accomplish what is desired, but often causes us to derail and self-sabotage even more.
Bravo Mary! Thanks for sharing your Colorful Visualization tip with us. Cheering you on your MasterKey journey!
Fabulous blog Mary! What a great perspective, thank you so much for sharing this useful tip – you aren’t the only one feeling overwhelmed ❤️
Congratulations on your blog. Love your meditation trick!
Thanks for the tip MJ:) Time is most certainly an illusion!!!
Thank you for sharing MJ, it’s great to hear how others handle life.
Interesting how the time just appears. Eight furries (one 1000lbs) and two featheries here. They fit right in with this Experience. 😉 Looking forward to reading more of your journey..
Wow, Mary thank you for sharing that visualization. We can all find that useful going forward.
Thank you for sharing Mary. We are very glad you are here.
Congrats to your first blog! And thank you for sharing that awesome tip to view time! There is a saying that “sharing is caring”, but you can also say that sharing is growing. Great start with your SIT as well.
Wow, Mary, you got it done! Cause for celebration!! You truly are part of that small percentage who actually lives their life of bliss.
What a super cool trick Mary. Nothing worse than feeling you do not have enough time and finding a way to help with that is awesome, especially with a beautiful colorful rainbow.
Mary, what a fantastic idea, especially for the sit and bringing your life into harmony. Definitely going to try it!
Great job on submitting your first blog Mary. We are glad you are here.
Terrific job Mary! That is a very cool “trick” that you described. And way to embrace the “sit”!
Great job, MJ, on submitting your first blog! So glad you are embracing the “Sit”. Stay within the course material and follow as instructed as it all is part of the progression. Allow it to fill you will peace and guidance.