MKE Week 19 – The Legacy

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Category:  Week Nineteen


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A long, long time ago, back in 1995… I experienced my first real and conscious attempts at finding the real reason to why I came to this planet. I had thought about things like that many times as a child.

For instance while reading about Eleonor Roosevelt as an example of a self realized individual. She impressed me and I decided back then that I was going to become enlightened and realized, but I had no idea what it meant. I just wanted to do something good for the planet and for all of those starving children in Africa that I saw on TV.

But first of all, I wanted to make my parents happy. Neither one of them seemed too happy. I decided to prioritize my Dad by being a good girl and getting the best grades. Long story short, it did not work. I did my best and he only got more and more stressed out and depressed. He died in a car accident at a very young age. I was heart broken, scared and also disappointed. Later I got very angry. It was unfair. I had sacrificed myself for him by getting a PhD in medical genetics. I had worked my ass off and he wasn’t even there to see me graduate.

With time, as my soul made it impossible for me to move forward. I left my career as a research scientist. I had no idea at all what to do with my life. I started to meditate and write a journal every morning. With time the messages started to show up from inside of me and slowly, slowly I took steps to follow my heart.

It was extremely frightening. Words like “leadership”, “life coaching” and “legacy” started showing up in my meditations and in the journaling sessions. I didn’t even know what the words “coaching” nor “legacy” meant, English not being my mother tongue. In addition, I had only lived a short time in the US. I had to look the words up to understand.

Last night I had a lovely talk with my daughter. She lives far away from me in Taos, New Mexico. There is an eight hour time difference between us, but our hearts beat as one and so, I hardly notice that distance. Sometimes the distance makes us humans get closer, funny that.

It was a very special conversation in many ways. What made me particularly happy was the fact that she used those words I wrote above, “leadership”, “coaching” and “legacy”, as she described how she wants to evolve her new business and establish herself as a global leader in her field. She went on to tell me how she has started integrating many of the tools and ideas she has learned from me growing up. Techniques like Master Minding, The Peace Process and many others.

She is developing a whole program to help people become great leaders and she thanked me for teaching and inspiring her to co-create a legacy. Actually, how to continue and evolve the legacy I, myself, have inherited and continued on from our ancestors.

I had all but forgotten about those first few years when I took my trembling baby steps out of that extremely painful, old world existence as a research scientist. I was a control freak, sick, scared, tired, with no self confidence. Full of negative ideas, excuses, bad habits and self hatred. A “weakling”, to put it in Haanel’s words, albeit a stubborn one. I love how I crack myself up.

And now, today, as I sit here and write, I can look back and say that I actually did what I set out to do.

And I hardly even noticed that I am here.


I have built good and strong character and that lovely Gal in the Glass loves what she sees as I greet her in the mirror.

My daughter respects me and so do more and more of the inhabitants in this little village I call my home.

I have just finished up and sent off a proposal and plan for a newly formed farm coop that involves many people who live here. With great surprise I now notice that I had fun doing it too. I used to hate writing proposals and now it just happened by itself and – I feel happy reading it too. It is an inspiring proposal indeed.

Moreover, obviously I even had enough energy left to write my weekly blog post for the MKE. With that I conclude that I made this day the best one so far in my life. Well done.

Yes, I am the greatest salesperson I know. Happy New Me and Happy New You too!

Thanks for reading <3

Meet Ann-Charlotte Stewart

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  • Wonderful to hear Ann-Charlotte. Thank you for sharing this with us. Living by example and being a positive influence on others = what an authentic way to be In-Service to our loved ones and our communities.

  • I am amazed. The last phone call I had with her… two hours… she even canceled another meeting because she prioritized me. This has never happened before. I can hardly believe what is happening here. Overflowing with gratitude. 💖🙏💖

  • Thank you so much! I had a two hour long talk with her last night. Her insights and wisdom, the way she described herself observing her own way of being in the world is something totally new to me. She has become so thoughtful and kind, and she says it is because of how I have changed. I am truly amazed and so very grateful. WOW!

  • Wonderful blog post Ann-Charlotte. I love that your daughter has learned lessons that you didn’t even set out to teach, but through her observation she has absorbed. Talk about the ripple effect!

  • Beautiful and inspiring blog Ann-Charlotte. What a gift to be the objective observer of ourselves- to reflect on our past and see how all the seemingly “random twists and turns” are all part of a magnificent, purposeful life. In addition, to focus on our present and enjoy our lives now. What a blessing to realize how our lives have impacted others- pure joy to hear how you have positively impacted your daughters life by your living example. We learn by observation. It is clear your daughter has learned very valuable Life keys by observing you. Bravo!

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