MKE Week 19 – Peace in All Things

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Category:  Week Nineteen


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This week I focused on peace in all things.

I realized that I am unable to focus or create in a chaotic environment.

I remained thankful and grateful for the small things in which I encountered this week. I at least smiled inside regarding the things which irritated me and thought “This To shall Pass”, good or bad. As a result, I received positive and unexpected surprises and blessings.

I love myself the way no one else can for I know what brings me peace and happiness.

My daily readings brought more clarity to the things in my life and I am so grateful for it.

I Always Keep my Promise.

Meet LaDonna Jordan

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  • Being thankful and grateful for the small things gives us more reason to be thankful and grateful, Thank you, LaDonna

  • Insightful blog LaDonna. What a gift to “know what brings you peace and happiness”.Thanks for leading by example as you embrace your Hero’s Journey.

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