Those of us who’ve gone through Go 90 Grow are familiar with “Most people….some people”
I have a thought about this.
I agree that, at least in MLM and most likely in any other type of business, most people won’t step up to the call and would rather spend their time doing other, more comfortable, activities like social media, watching tv, etc. Yet, using the Hero’s Journey as a metaphor, here’s how I see it.
I see that many, if not most, people who look at creating a business are answering the call of their true self to reach for something bigger than that which they are currently experiencing. But quickly – perhaps immediately – they pull themselves back with any number of “reasons” why they can’t/won’t participate.
At its core, this pull back is from fear.
True, it may appear to be laziness and therefore easy to dismiss their inaction. However, consider that this behavior is a result of low self esteem, from a belief they don’t have what it takes to be successful…or a result of wanting to please others and “look good” to those they love who claim with absolute certainty that “these things never work” or “it’s a scam”.
The solution – to greet them with love in our hearts, whether or not they join us. And send them along with a little blessing while we’re at it.
All you need is love! “There’s nothing you can do that can’t be done
Nothing you can sing that can’t be sung
Nothing you can say but you can learn how to play the game
It’s easy” – Beatles
I just love your last paragraph! Imagine how the world would look like if everyone greet each other with love in the hearts. But best of all, the one who benefits most is the one who has this love for others in his/her heart.
Thank you Mary.
Yes, Mary, pulling back and letting love fill the void may not convince others who refuse to be convinced, however, it does improve the odds! 🙂