This entire week felt different. This was the week of Thanksgiving and I went back to Chicago to visit my family and spend time with them on this break.
I was able to spend the entire week with them and as I took the knowledge of the teachings through MKE, I noticed that there was a much calmer me and I was more at peace. I didn’t do a great job of keeping my thoughts out of discussions enitirely, but I was much less inclined to put in my two cents when speaking with others.
I almost found it as a bit of an awakening as I realized myself almost fully aware of what was going on, and found myself being a lot more in the moment throughout the week when conversing with my family. It truly was an amazing experience and something I can honestly say I never felt before.
It definitely seems the more aware I become and the more I understand that I have the control to react the way I want to react, think the way I want to think, the more present I become in moments throughout the day.
I would also say that the biggest realization was how easy it was to hold my thoughts and opinions back because I now understand WHY other people do the things that they do, think the way they think and act the way they act. It has really opened my eyes to a whole new world.
I can only imagine what type of perspective I would have when I fully apply myself and commit to engrossing myself with these practices.
Wow, that must be an amazing feeling to be the observer in the situation. I’m still doing the 7 day mental diet, I’m learning that how to stay positive in certain situations and it’s amazing to me how I’m affected in the presence of my loved ones. Congratulations on your week of progress.
Good for you, Dan! It can sure be a challenge when people express their opinions, especially political ones these days. The Scroll II has really helped me elevate conversations. Before, as a flaming red (pun intended), I would have jumped into the fray with my opinions, which certainly were the “right” ones, in an attempt to educate the poor person who dared to have an opposing position. Now, I do my best to listen until the air has gone out of their opinion and send good feelings their way. It doesn’t always work, of course, not having achieved walking on water status, however it’s certainly better.
Keep on finding your center!
Great to here that Dan, may you enjoy more family time.
“I can only imagine what type of perspective I would have when I fully apply myself and commit to engrossing myself with these practices.”
Looking forward to what your imagination brings you, because it looks pretty good so far! 🙂