MKE Week 14 – Are you equally yoked?

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Category:  Week Fourteen


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I started my day today reading out of 1 Kings 22:48. It talked about how Solomon’s ships had returned in safety, but Jehoshaphat’s vessels never reached the land of gold. Sometimes God breaks things we have built because our motives and/or methods are not aligned with Him.

I read in the alliances from a member who struggles with always having his progress getting “evened out in some way” by something that sabotages his efforts. I have felt this at times as well. All I can say is this class is getting me closer and closer to the right thinking with the alignment to Him.

We all can slip and then there is the example of Job who was tested down to nothing stripped away of it all. I think the main thing is God does not want us focused on what we can get. The money, wealth, or position. He is the one who expands our territory in the way he sees fit when it is time for us. Some of us are infants again at age 50 learning again how to choose those that we are equally yoked with.

In any respect God is good and he doesn’t want us going full speed off in the wrong direction. We should feel fortunate that the corrections we need are led by a loving God and not something else.

Meet Heather Pasqualini

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  • Good one, Heather, I agree with Loren, you are seeing the guiding compass of a loving God – how wonderful!

  • You are so right – He doesn’t want us going full speed off in the wrong direction. We should feel fortunate that the corrections we need are led by a loving God and not something else.” Thank you for a great reminder!

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