week four

MKE Week 4 – So Much to Do

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Category:  Week Four


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This week I’m kind of torn between the overwhelming feeling that there is just so much to remember to do each day … and the fact that some of it is coming together. Time will tell. I seem to have one good day and then the next I forget one (or a few) of the tasks. This WILL improve as I know I am worth completing ALL of the tasks at hand.

My favourite part of this week is the Law of Giving and Receiving card. I absolutely love those 4 promises and i thoroughly enjoy reading them every day. It’s the small nuggets like the give/receive card that I am excited about. I know the rest will follow and one day I’ll wake up with a huge Ah-Ha moment and things will fall into place. Until then, I’ll keep plugging away the best I can and enjoy the Journey.

Until next week …

Meet Loriann Toplak

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  • Way to go Loriann! With positive attitude and trusting the process in creating new habits you are clearly and steadily on your journey.

  • One day at a time – or sometimes it’s one hour at a time. You are creating new HABITS, and with faithfulness, soon they will be automatic for you.

  • It does take time for everything to come together as it is all new. It is a great journey, Enjoy the rife!

  • I’m right there with you! Sounds like you’re on the right track, I can’t wait to hear about your success in a few weeks!

  • That is a wonderful expression “I absolutely love those 4 promises ” Loriann, keep it up it is all coming together.

  • What if you absolutely loved all of the other parts of the process? And smiled and bounced with enthuuuuusiasm every time? All of them are small nuggets and are found step by step…

  • Yes, Loriann, by all means enjoy the journey. It makes blogging about it, much more pleasant! 🙂

  • I understand how you feel with so much to do! Just keep going like you said and we will have our Ah-ha moment one day 🙂

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