I used to think that I need to understand everything, know everything and have an answer to everything…
And I used to believe that everybody else understood everything, knew everything and had answers to everything…
And it always felt to me like I was missing something… like I just don’t get it… and of course that everybody else got it!
It appears to me that I was wrong on all of the above…
No one knows everything… and no one has all the answers… and not a single one of us understands everything… AND IT IS OKAY!
Life is an unfoldment and we learn as we go… and we grow as we go…
Now that I am learning more about the world within and now that I am focusing more on the world within than ever before, I noticed that I am not too concerned about what I don’t know, but more interested in what I’m learning and discovering within and about myself…
I never really got the concept of being the observer… however now that I am becoming more aware of me, I’m also amused by observing me… like I’m looking at myself in a third person… and I must say that I now laugh a lot more than before… AT MYSELF!
Thus far on this amazing MKE journey we have focused a lot on habits. Good habits, bad habits, old habits, new habits, all the subconscious stuff… and the differentiation between the conscious and the subconscious mind. The interaction between my conscious mind and subconscious mind is very fascinating to me. It is almost like a debate between the two… and then of course me the observer too… it’s a party of three! All be it a party of three clowns at times!
I question myself and my behaviour a lot as off late and I have surrendered to not knowing everything and I am really happy about it, because I am learning a lot and I will always be learning something new. You can’t fill a cup that is already full!
As for other people, I don’t really care anymore… not in a selfish way… it’s just that I am enjoying this self discovery so much that I accept other people as they are… as they are just people in search of understanding and answers too… each to his own! And all of a sudden I enjoy the peculiarities of other people… and myself!
I have noticed that my internal voice is going through some changes too. It normally does not take much for me to talk myself out of something that may require some effort, like my daily physical training… now all of a sudden there is a voice inside that won’t shut up until I start training! Welcome new voice! Please make yourself at home and stick around!
I love this journey!
To the unfoldment of me…
to the unfoldment of you, each and every moment, your new voice & your continual enjoyment 🙂 Enjoy a great MKE week !
thank you, Gerhard
What a powerful blog Gerhard! You are really on an adventurous journey! Great insights! Keep on travelling and have fun on this marvelous adventure, your Hero’s journey.
I’ll drink to that, Gerhard! To you and your journey.