MKE Week 4 – Aretha Had R-E-S-P-E-C-T. I’ve got R-E-S-I-S-T-A-N-C-E

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Category:  Week Four


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This week I experienced so much resistance towards many of the assignments.
I’ve been doing my 3 daily reads, for sure.

But the midday one has been the most challenging.

Read MKS? Sure. When I get a chance.

Sit for 15? Hasn’t even been part of my consciousness for this month.

I think that, because I was such a “good boy” growing up, I’m rebelling against my childhood. “I don’t WANNA do my homework!!! Why do I hafta do my HOOOOMEWOOOORK????”

I know I’ve experienced good things in the not-so distant past when I was in harmony with everything. For some reason, I’m putting up barriers to my progress.

Having said that, I managed to speak with a prospect from Pittsburgh this week.
I got him onto two subsequent presentations.

He was supposed to be on our US presentation this evening, but he was MIA.
I emailed him to let him know that I’m sure life got in the way, which prevented his attendance.

Either way, I am following up with him tomorrow.

If he is a No, I will ask him if would support me by becoming a customer.

And let’s see if my P-E-R-S-T-E-N-C-E can turn that R-E-S-I-S-T-A-N-C-E into A-S-S-I-S-T-A-N-C-E.

Panthaky out.

Meet Khush Panthaky

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  • Being aware of the resistance is the first step. Now take a leap and be persistent. Your life is changing. Love the humour.

  • The more you understand about the peptide addiction, the more ammunition you have against your resistance! You may want to rewatch Week 4-Supplemental – it’s a great clip.

  • Hi Khush, Great that you recognized the resistance you are feeling. So often we just ignore it. Since you see the resistance you can replace it using the Law of substitution. Enjoyed your post.

  • I agree with Day, Khush. This is a “fun” blog with some great insight. Use persistence to turn resistance into assistance! 🙂

  • Khush, what a fun blog. Thank you so much for sharing these thoughts. I love how you put this together, and helped me to see that resistance is just an opportunity to show myself some respect, and perhaps others too.

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