What is a dream? The dictionary defines it as:
• A cherished desire
• What is seen, envisioned or longed for in the mind concerning the future
• Unrealized desires, longings or plans.
YOUR EXISTENCE is a dream fulfilled. The Creator thought of you in His mind (the Universal Mind) long before you existed. He had a host of angels to hang out with but that wasn’t enough for His heart. He had the desire to create a being in His own image and likeness. He wanted a family He could relate to and enjoy.
The angels must have watched intently as He created the heavens and the Earth first, then the sun, moon and stars followed by mountains, rivers, animals, and vegetation merely with the Word of His mouth. He literally spoke all of nature into being.
But something changed when He turned to His crowning creation; mankind. It’s easy to imagine the change of atmosphere as the angel’s mouths dropped open and their eyes stared in wonder as He stopped speaking and grabbed handfuls of soil in his hands. Surely wonder became shock and awe when they saw Him lovingly use all His creative energy and power to fashion a being described as “a little lower than God” out of clay.
Suddenly, the look on the face of the Creator changed. He was searching for something in in His own being. Slowly He drew that element from out of Himself and engraved it upon the clay.
Gene Edwards, The Divine Romance
God’s pleasure then increased to its highest level as He thoughtfully and proudly proclaimed, “This is very good”. He was thrilled not only because you would be among the managers of His entire creation, but He also knew you were among the processors, the reasoners, the thinkers, the believers and….the dreamers. Just like Him.
I will show you how to dream with me, God may have said to Adam.
I will reveal to you the laws, secrets and resources hidden within this world and you will use the incredible imagination and intelligence I’ve given you to create with them. You’ll discover the laws of physics and harness the powers therein. Your dreaming will be breathtakingly exciting and the results astounding as you think of creative ways to use the resources I have given to you.
Dutch Sheets
You will discover the power of your inner man. I am sharing with you my divine and infinite Wisdom, Power and Love. I will show you how to generate courage, hope, enthusiasm, confidence, trust and faith. I will dwell within you and give you the Power to be all that you were intended to be.
The more you give, the more you will receive for you are truly a conduit and catalyst of the Mind of God; to be of service and to express itself, where it can find the greatest activity and do the most good for the rest of mankind.
If you have faith as a mustard seed, you will tell this mountain, move from here to there and it will move.
Nothing will be impossible to you.
Matthew 17:20
Yes, Teresa! Oh, the wonderment!
Teresa, I had “God bumps” throughout reading your writing. Captivating!
wow Teresa you’ve chosen some powerful for your quotations post – I was in awe reading it
What a beautiful post, Teresa. Thank you for sharing this. This is so true: “YOUR EXISTENCE is a dream fulfilled”.
Thanks for sharing your thoughts with us Teresa. Cheering you on your journey!
I just love this blog, Teresa! Amen to everything you said.
This post radiates with Godly joy, Teresa. Your knowledge of spiritual texts is made evident by your selection of quotations used to make your point. Wonderful Week 4 blog! 🙂
Thank you, Teresa, “You will discover the power of your inner man.”