MKE Week 5 – Getting Quiet and Observing

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Category:  Week Five


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Reflections on the work for this week:

Charles Haanel writes in line 2 of Part Five of the Master Key:

2. The subconscious can and will solve any problem for us if we know how to direct it. The subconscious processes are always at work; the only question is, are we to be simply passive recipients of this activity, or are we to consciously direct the work? Shall we have a vision of the destination to be reached, the dangers to be avoided, or shall we simply drift?

I find myself this week lingering in a more quiet state. We, in week 5, are taking the time to observe, to listen, to learn and refrain from opinion! This is a rewarding and restful state to be in.

It adds space to ponder. ( Law of Relaxation) I added line 2 above, because, I observe, that when I open space to take in without opinion, I also open space to to learn more about what I want. ( Law of Substitution) This is not a passive act for me. I have learned that in taking the space to exchange opinion for observation, I also can more clearly see what I want. This speaks into the Law of the Mind on Dual Thought. We cannot think of 2 things at once. Space for reflection leaves my heart space to see what makes my heart sing. Then, heads me in that direction which speaks to the Law of Grow, what we think about grows, what we forget atrophies.

I can employ my mind to create visions of the most creative sort which lifts my heart, and these visions, as promised, are not passive. These visualizations are the path to the solution, the path to perfecting and manifesting what we want. Here I can implement the Law of Practice. When I can see a thing that is desired, when I can see it so clearly that we become it, then, the thing or experience I want is, by law to come my way. It is real, it is true.

I find that the Observer mind most useful and Opinion mind hindering to this end. I am so grateful for the quieting of my mind.

And, to conclude, I also know that I am not perfect in this application, and I continue to practice, so I offer myself the Law of Forgiveness…this leaves space to continue in grace.

How about you?

Meet Laura Greco

I love being in nature, spending time with children, (my granddaughter), and family and friends. I love deep and meaningful conversations that up level life experience. I am the founder of Full Life Wellness LLC and The Resilient Mama Movement. As a mom of 4 (and more) I am keenly aware of the importance of the parenting experience. My passion is to inspire and empower moms, so that she can mentor her children and, the future of our planet, from her overflow in ‘response' to life and stand in here resilience.

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  • This is very inspiring for me, so thank you for your share. I have found myself a little more quiet as well. As a proactive person that I am, I find being the observer has been a lot more challenging than I had expected. I find myself quite often on the verge of making decision and wanting to take action. I catch myself and find balance by reminding myself that I am not going to change overnight, but I see how the sits and visioning has given me more tools to apply the lessons that the MKE is giving us.

  • Beautifully written Laura. Love this … “Space for reflection leaves my heart space to see what makes my heart sing. Then, heads me in that direction which speaks to the Law of Grow, what we think about grows, what we forget atrophies.”

  • You are such a beautiful writer…….I fall into a mind picture of where your words are taking us. Thank you!

  • This is great Laura.
    “I find that the Observer mind most useful and Opinion mind hindering to this end. I am so grateful for the quieting of my mind.”

  • how much time?? I don’t really count, but i feel more at peace and less pressure…i it may more about the energy rather than time

  • The subconscious can and will solve any problem for us if we know how to direct it. The subconscious processes are always at work; the only question is, are we to be simply passive recipients of this activity, or are we to consciously direct the work? Thank you for sharing, You are doing great!

  • Hi Laura, Loved “I find myself this week lingering in a more quiet state”. About how much time do you spend each day in this quiet state? .

  • Wow, Laura, this is fabulous. You have covered so many great MKE tools here, and applied them to your life. Thanks for sharing.

  • I love how you set us up to enter that beautiful, peaceful, quiet space with you, Laura. No, not a master at this yet, but eternally a student.

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