MKE Week 11 – Persistence in the Trenches

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Category:  Week Eleven


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This week, the focus of our call included persistence… taking action towards a goal even when you’re against difficult obstacles.

Og Mandino’s scroll 3 is my favorite so far as it hones in and repeats the message about persistence which continues to inspire me to get up and go when I’m done reading it.

This past week I did let some obstacles (which look like excuses or distractions) slow me down. And even though I got behind on the daily tasks and readings, I am consistently tracking what I’m doing and that really helps me to see where I need improvement.

I planned for a larger “service” on my index card this week. I decided to push myself to move a lot of furniture in my home and swap two rooms around to make room for the Christmas tree that goes up next week. I am celebrating this win as though it is already done!

Meet Sarah Krug

Sarah considers herself a creative free spirit who loves to live in the moment. She has a passion for knitting, making music, being her own boss and enjoys living on the coast of Southern NJ with her husband and 4 children.

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  • It seems you really have internalized the new habits and functioning. Good work, Sarah! Just keep on being persistent and faithful to your self and you can go as far as you want.

  • Sarah, although you didn’t say it specifically, it sounds as if you are doing some journaling to keep track of things. That’s always a good thing to do! 🙂

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