MKE Week 11 – so that’s what enthusiasm feels like

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Category:  Week Eleven


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Since I’ve started the MKE programme, this really is the first morning that I’ve jumped out of bed full of energy and (just imagine that voice) enthuuuuussssiaasssmm.

I’ve been faithfully doing all the exercises, reading Og and the lesson for the week. I’ve recorded my DMP/Blueprint Builder/Og and listened to my recording whilst exercising. I have my movie poster where I can see it when I get up and many versions of my trigger shapes where I can see and touch them dotted around the place.

I’ve been successful with achieving part of my DMP but not one of the main parts.

I’ve experienced a few synchronicities but nothing with that “wow” factor.

Until this morning.

I’ve woken up with a HUGE! Blinding glimpse of the obvious.

Part of my DMP is aiming for the wrong “want.”

I don’t want to build my income to £10k each month by coaching individuals to improve their business performance. Don’t get me wrong, I really thought I did but it never felt super-compelling.

What I’ve realised overnight/this morning is that I really really want to build a business that helps people sort out their business performance, to let go of all their cement so they can contribute more with a load less stress and be there for their families.

So, what changed?

I arranged to form a mastermind with one other MKEer (thanks Paul). We’ve only had one session so far (next one in thirty minutes as I’m writing this blog post) and already it’s made a massive difference.

No idea how that works but I don’t need to.

If you’re hesitating about forming a Mastermind, take my advice and just do it.

What have you got to lose…apart from a chunk of your cement…?

Meet Allan Smith

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  • Napoleon Hill said it a while ago: “no one can make it without a mastermind” and you just proved it right! Great post, thank you Allan!

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