MKE Week 18 – What Would She Do?

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Category:  Week Eighteen


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During the majority of the week days, I have a ritual. I start by doing all of my MKE homework/readings and then immediately begin my tasks.

On the off day that I do not do my readings, I feel off kilter and miss out on the most important task I have each day which is cold calling.

Now while the dialer is on and I’m waiting for a pick up, I flip through my index cards. My favourite ones ask that most important question:

“What would the top realtor in town (The person I intend to become) do next??

The answer is always: Cold Call.

To see that card come up multiple times, while I’m performing the task that needs to be done, is so reinforcing.

I am beyond grateful for MKE and the homework. I can see changes in myself that I’m so excited for. Not perfect by any means and with room for continual improvement…. and that’s OK. 🙂

Meet Loriann Toplak

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  • I think it is great that small things that we do daily can really improve our life. It is great that you are not only doing those things but also seeing the benefit. Great job Loriann!

  • Great job creating rituals and a big cred to YOU Loriann for going all in using the tools that MKE provides

  • Loriann. Cold calling. Even the title/description sounds dreadful. Thank goodness for some of that #MKE warmth! 🙂

  • I very familiar with that room for “continual improvement”. I guess that is a part of this thing we called life right?! lol

  • Congrats on the question what would the top realtor in town do next? But the answer may change. We all have room for continual improvement. Thank you.

  • I like how you have set up routines that help you reinforce positive changes and get your tasks done – I bet you feel so accomplished and proud of your growth!

  • Bravo Loriann! Great job “making the application” and engaging in the mental exercises. And let me be the 1st to congratulate you on being the top realtor in your town!!

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