This week I have enjoyed BEING more than I ever have in my life. For as long as I can remember, I have always been a DOER and used that as a measuring stick to determine my self worth…
Get the grades
Get the job
Get the promotions
Get the fitness
And move the goal posts once those were all achieved…
But THIS week, ahhh, I have put more puzzle pieces of the MKE experience together as I continue to get more accustomed to being STILL, focus on doing the mental work rather than the physical, and I turn my attention more to the world within.
How freeing it is to relax, remain “calm and cheerful”, as I trust that everything will fall into place just as it should as I meditate on what I want and not on what I don’t want.
As I continue to focus on my daily gratitudes, re-live a great moment of each day, I am filled with more and more love and happiness. As I lived each day as if it were my last, I felt connected to everyone who crossed my path, feeling united as we are all brothers and sisters.
“Be. Do. Have.” I finally get why I have been somewhat resistant to working out parts of my DMP. It’s because I am still enjoying the self discovery of ME and BEcoming who I was always meant to be. (And it’s OK for me to change parts of my DMP that do not serve my true heart’s desire!–that was a hard lesson for this recovering perfectionist)
The Do and the Have will happen, but only after I take the proper time to lay that firm foundation of being:
Being love
Being grateful
Being abundance
Being content in ALL circumstances
The old me of just four short months ago would have insisted on forcing my way through the doing, to make sure I stay on task and keep up with the class.
But the ever-developing new me is ready to determine my own path at my own pace and be self-directed as I take that detour towards my Hero’s Journey.
BEing YOU! One of my affirmations that I repeat for 5 minutes as I drive to work: What do I need to perceive, be, do, have, and receive in order to…………………?
Thank you Brad!
Thank you honey! I’m so grateful for your constant support!
Beautiful baby!!!
Love this!!!
Enjoy the journey!
It’s definitely “The Road Less Traveled,” Stefanie, and that’s a very good thing! 🙂
Fantastic post Stephanie! Be do have – each coming back to being present. Love it!
You’re welcome! It has been fun reading along with you on your journey.
Awe Heather! Thank you for your encouraging words!
I love the concept of being calm, cheerful and relaxed as we become our authentic selves. Thank you for this blog!
Thank you so much! I appreciate your kind words!
This is great Stefanie. You are really applying the lessons, congratulations!
You have come a long way. What great insight you have when it comes to yourself. It has been a joy having you in our tribe and I can’t wait to meet you in person.
I’m still working on “being” rather than “doing” and I look forward to the day I can be still and happy with no more moving goal posts!
Thanks Jen! My body is still learning (and sometimes resisting) when I sit and rest because I am so used to be a kinetic being all day! But I am loving the results.
Great blog Stefanie! I can so relate to my previous self soooo focused on the doing (and not realizing peptide addiction to society’s approval; world without)….it is so refreshing to BE and know we are, and have always been whole. Being “fully present” is a present! Cheering you on your Hero’s Journey!