MKE Week 8 – Life is a journey, not a destination, we determine our destiny by the direction we take

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Category:  Week Eight


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I have been moving through life at a lightning speed taking care of my family, business, etc. and forgetting to slow down and enjoy the moments. Somehow at some level, slowing down is not a good thing in my mind. The ironic part is that I tell my children the quote inspired by Ralph Waldo Emerson, “Life is a journey, not a destination”. Yet I tend not to slow down and do exactly that i.e., enjoy the journey.

With all the work we are doing with MKE and what we are focusing on, one of things I am most grateful for with everything we are doing is being in the moment. It helps me focus on the journey and remind me to be in the present. It reminds me that “now” is fleeting and the importance of being here, now. And while doing this research for the source of the quote I found one additional piece of the quote which makes the saying even more powerful “Life is a journey, not a destination, we determine our destiny by the direction we take.” So, I am grateful for being in the moment, enjoying the journey and choosing my new direction with MKE. I look forward to determining my destiny!

Meet Suzette Willems

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  • Right on, Suzette, that’s it to be in the present, here and now, is the best thing to do! “The best present you can give to yourself is Being Present!” Well, this is my own quote. 🙂

  • Suzette, it’s so important to slow and enjoy the journey. I’m still learning how to work on the world within. Thanks for sharing!

  • Good one Suzette, a great reminder to live in the moment. Here is another quote “The journey is the reward.”

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