“If you have goals and procrastination you have nothing. If you have goals and you take action, you will have anything you want.” ~ Thomas J. Vilord .
When that ugly procrastination monster rears its ugly head, I hear myself yelling “Do it now! Do it now! Do it now!”. Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn’t. But, the procrastination battle is brutal and never ends. The monster knows where to find the chinks in my armor. I fight the good fight and think the monster is gone, then I let down my guard, and there it is creeping out of the darkness again.
I can’t give up the fight. I can’t let the monster win.
I can’t avoid work when things get hard or when fear sets in. The monster knows my flaws and self-doubts and is quick to remind me.
I have goals and dreams yet to be realized so I have to stay strong and focused. I remind myself that I am worth it. I am whole. Perfect, strong, powerful, loving, harmonious, and happy. I have to succeed not only for myself but for others. I have to succeed so that others can realize their dreams.
I may not win every battle but I will never give up until I have won the war. I will defeat the monster. I will not stop until I succeed in finding my true north, achieving my goals, and living the life of my dreams.
I can be what I will to be, and I will to be the best version of me.
Every day I will wake up to greet the day with love, love for my family, love for my friends, love for others, and most importantly love myself. For without love the monster wins. But not today. Today I win the day and take action to follow the path to my dreams.
I promise to take action daily and I always keep my promises, Scott S.
I too find that when I do my homework (including shouting Do It Now!), it motivates me to TAKE ACTION. Keep going and defeat that monster one day at a time. 🙂
Thank you for taking action and loving yourself and in turn giving love to all of us!
Scott, I love how you’ve woven in mention of so many of the tools that you’re using at the same time you’re imaging the struggle as a daily battle. How interesting that the tools work equally well imaging them as helping you grow a life garden, or take a life journey, or build a ship!
Nice job! Keep going. You can do this!
Scott, fighting that monster within is huge, keep moving forward.
Persistence pays off, Scott! Good work of you keeping yourself on the track! Be proud of yourself!
Scott, you are a winner! 🙂