MKE Week 24 – We’ve Come A Long Way, Subby! Continuation…

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Category:  Week 24


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Noticed during my reading of Greatest Salesman scroll 6 this month, where it says “I will become great,” my mind is saying “I am great.” That is a noticeable shift. Now becoming my biggest cheerleader instead of biggest critic. The flash cards, affirmations, and the rest of the tools are working! Subby does have my back!

There has been mention of coming to the end of course, winding down. Although that sounds appealing to regain some time and not be doing the work, I plan to continue daily until I achieve my DMP goals. Doesn’t make sense to me to slack off when I’m seeing results.

I am going to become a lifetime member and continue this process, and also become an affiliate to help steer many, many others here. I have a big goal in mind, and have already got multiple strategies and ideas down on paper.

I’ll just put it out there that I plan to be an example that can be used for later classes.

I signed up for the Think and Grow Rich mastermind, looking forward to what it will bring.

Didn’t get though Emerson, or Wattles last week, still working on them.

I always keep my promises. The man in the mirror hasn’t been disappointed.

Thank you to all of the guides, administrators, and mastermind alliance partners for your efforts on my behalf. I appreciate you! It’s not over. (To be continued…)

Meet Mike Sambuco

Passionate worshipper of God, loving husband to Terri, father to Stephanie, and grandfather to Justice. Music minister, entrepreneur, network marketer, guitarist, motorcyclist, amateur radio DXer, martial artist, photographer, telecom technician; previously career Air Force Master Sergeant (Comm and Intel.) Originally from Ohio, now is one of the “frozen chosen” of Alaska since 1987. A fun-loving encourager, enjoys empowering others!

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  • Hi Mike. Really appreciate your reflections here and your inspiring way of showing up all along the way. Thank you and grateful to have been in the bright sparks with you and the others. Looks like we will be moving in for more. Love that you shared that keeping up with the practices just makes sense especially since you are receiving results. Awesome. 😊

  • Great job Mike, on your Hero’s journey thru the MKE. I particularly liked “Now becoming my biggest cheerleader instead of biggest critic.” That is a major shift! Congrats!

  • Mike Sambuco you are a force to be reckoned with. I look forward to continuing to grow with you on this journey.

  • Congrats Mike!! You engaged in the mental exercises and did the work to reprogram your Subby according to what you know is best for you versus Society’s conditioning. I love how you stated “I am now becoming my biggest cheerleader instead of biggest critic”. Glad to hear you experienced high value from the MKE and want to steer others to it so they can learn the skills to help themselves. Cheering you on as you continue your Hero’s Journey!

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