MKE Week 24 – Pleasing Personality & My Hero’s Journey

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Category:  Week 24


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My Master Key Experience Mastermind group is coming to an end. It’s been a great 6 month experience and I thank you for coming along this journey with me. We’ve related colors and shapes to our goals and dreams, created our Definite Major Purpose, developed good habits and released bad ones, delved into the readings and works of Og Mandino, Haanel, Wallace Wattles, Napoleon Hill, and other greats, wrote out and flip through index cards with accomplishments over the years of our lives and what we are grateful for, received a number of golden nuggets along the way, and gained some life long friends. This is my hero’s journey!

Although, the webinars have ended after this coming Sunday’s commencement, what I’ve learned will carry on into my future. Who knows, come September, I’ll most likely repeat the process. If this interests you, I will post and send out invites.

Onto the next to last virtue- Pleasing Personality.
People with pleasing personalities make other people feel good about themselves. They keep a positive point of view and demonstrate flexibility and patience. They treat people fairly and with respect. These people also tend to be good listeners and conversationalists. They handle situations well and share their opinion in an agreeable manner. People with pleasing personalities typically like people and interacting with others.

Over the past week, I have been fortunate to have come into a great number of people with pleasing personalities. As you’ve read over the past few weeks, my work situation has changed from part tme to full time, from being on a team to now working solo, and dedicated to two local stores as opposed to travelling on an average of 45-50 minutes each way. This week was the week of orientation and working with the new format. I’ve met our new supervisors and support staff during our orientation, as well as some of my former team members and new members that will be working in the other stores. They all have pleasing personalities.

Both of the stores that I now work in- all of the store workers and managers that I met were inviting and pleasant to me. They, too, are going through these changes and going along the guidelines provided to them to make this work out for all involved. So, although, I am working by myself, I still have a team that I can rely on.

Outside of my work, I’ve happened upon pleasing personalities at networking events and shops and stores that I frequent. I also feel, OK, I know that MY pleasing personality may have helped in bringing out the pleasing personalities in others…

Again, I throw this question out to you- where have you noticed and observed pleasing personalities this week?

Until next week, where I expose the final virtue that we were given to observe…

Meet Leonard Diana

Leonard is from Hartford, CT, a Reiki Master Teacher/Holistic Practitioner, helping people feel and get better physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually.  His second passion is dance and officiating at ballroom dance competitions.  As a Heart-Centered Yellow/Blue, he loves spending time with family, friends, and colleagues, and  is enjoying the Master Keys Experience.

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  • Leonard, I’m as pleased as punch to have you by my side when embarking upon and completing this year’s #MKE program! I’m hopeful we remain friends in the years ahead! 🙂

  • Thank you for sharing, Leonard. You have been a delight to have in our tribe. I hope we keep in touch.

  • Congrats Leonard on fully embracing your unique Hero’s Journey…and it is clear that you are enjoying the benefits of digging in mentally and engaging in the exercises. I really enjoy your description of a pleasing personality and for sure you have one yourself! Cheers!

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